Monday, 22 April 2019

Is Salvation opened to everyone?

Greg Williams, the new GCI president, on a recent trip to Israel wrote: "The metaphor used by Matthew likens the Godhead to a mother hen (a rare biblical use of a feminine image for God). The image of a mother hen whose intent is to gather, nurture and protect her offspring. It fits well with Jesus’s words about his impending crucifixion – “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” (John 12:32 ESV). Uniting all people to himself – in a relationship of total forgiveness and pure love – was his purpose then and for all time."

The question we must first ask, is that sound doctrine or pure heresy? To answer the question, all we have to do is have a look at what the bible actually teaches. The citation from John 12:32 is, "If I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all "men" unto me." The term "men" was inserted by the translators with the intent of giving an object to the phrase, "I will draw all..." But the correct translation is, "I will draw all unto me." The "all" refers to God's elect, and that includes women, who were predestined to be called, justified and glorified (Rom.8:29-30). 

For if Jesus were going to draw "all men" to him, that would mean every person who ever lived will be saved. That doctrine is pure heresy. For it denies what is recorded in (Matt. 25:31-46); but especially verse 46 thus: "And these shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into life eternal." So it is clearly evident from Matthew, and many other Scriptural texts, that only God's elect, whom he calls, "Vessels of Mercy," will be saved.

Joe junior has retired to spend some of the $109 million he got from the sale of Ambassador Auditorium.  That is if he is still alive or not bedridden with an incurable illness.  He introduced rebellion and heresy into WCG, and God asked, "is this of thy whoredoms a small matter.(?)"  The judgment is, woe, woe, woe unto you, says the Lord.

Saturday, 6 April 2019

The EU and madness

I find it astonishing, that as the world heads towards disaster, billions of people around the world are discussing the Oscars. That is a classic case of "they sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play."

The kind of adulation heaped on these people, one would have thought that they were paragons of virtue, decency and good behaviour. When in reality, the film industry is replete with gays, lesbians, fornicators, adulterers, drug addicts and any other vice we may think of. I even heard some one say, "these are role model for the young." Well, if these people are role models, I would hate see the people who are setting a bad example!

Against this background of insanity, a former UK PM, John Major, warned the country of the poverty that will ensue from leaving the EU, and he was vehemently attacked by people who believe there is a utopian, Fantasy Island, currently hidden from view, where the British people will be able to fulfill all their hopes and aspirations, with one foot in Sodom and the other Gomorrah.

Well, they have got some surprises coming! For him to whom the keys of the kingdom were given, was inspired to prophesy the destruction of the universe, as a direct result of the world's moral decline. But he added, "Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for a new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwells righteousness." The "we," of course, refers to true Christians. And that rules out 98.5% of all the people who attended The Worldwide Church of God, and those who think that God should be worshipped for the sake of money.


Democracy has been exalted, especially in the west, as the greatest form of government ever invented. In some countries it has been elevated...