Thursday, 26 February 2009

A Prophet Ahead Of His Time

All God's servants may be described as men way ahead of their time, for they are led by the spirit of prophecy to understand future events. That is why Mr. H.W. Armstrong was able to foretell the scattering of the church, and the rise of a cabal of hirelings, whose sole purpose is to draw away disciples after them, to extort tithes and offerings from them.

So today, we see a multiplicity of divided church groups, all claiming to represent Jesus, as though Christ is divided or God is the author of confusion. But the faithful have not been duped by any of them. For Jesus says: "My sheep will hear my voice, and a stranger they will not follow" (John 10:5).

Of course, Mr. Armstrong's constant warning to the faithful was, "most people in the church don't get it." This warning was not understood by the tares among the wheat, but the wheat were led by God to see and understand "the writing on the wall." So in 1995 when WCG was shattered, and those devious men who were once ordained as ministers began to position themselves to draw away disciples after them, the faithful flock fled for refuge under the wings of the Eternal.

Now, the hirelings that remained with Joe Tkach, have joined him in singing that Mr. Armstrong was a false prophet and a charlatan. Yet these same ungodly men have held on to the legacy of money and property that Mr. Armstrong left. How shameless can people be?

Also, many of the tares have formed themselves into cabals of scoffers. The most infamous of them, is the cabal that tend to coalesce around AW blog. AW blog is led by a man who doesn't have an original idea in his head. But he has attracted fanatical support from an insane group, who find the blandishments of sin much more congenial than the salutary harshness of virtue. The two top positions in the group have been seized by Dennis The Depressed and Douglas The Deranged. The other members of the group pop up from time to time to remind us that they have returned to their own vomit, by celebrating Christmas, Easter, Halloween and all the other pagan festivals they once denounced, but never actually renounced.

Mr. Armstrong also prophesied that all of these evil men will be cast into the lake of fire. When this happens, I wonder who will have the courage to shout, Mr. Armstrong was a false prophet!


Anonymous said...

"I wonder who will have the courage to shout, Mr. Armstrong was a false prophet!"

I will.


Tom Mahon said...

Tom asked: "I wonder who will have the courage to shout, Mr. Armstrong was a false prophet!"

and (Jason??)replied...

I will.

Well, when that dreadful time comes, you will be speechless and shaking in your muddy boots, you may be disappointed to learn!

BTW, this is the most coherent reply I have received from you. You normally tend to be abusive. Perhaps you are learning how to behave in polite society?

Anonymous said...

Tom do you have your own church or are you a member any church? You me the impression that you think the church is dead no longer in existence. That would be so contrary to what Jesus said about His church

Tom Mahon said...

Anonymous asked...

>>Tom do you have your own church or are you a member any church?<<

You obviously have not been reading much that I have written.

I am a member of the church that Christ said he would build, against which the gates of hell cannot prevail. So I don't know where you got the impression that I think the church doesn't exist.

I certainly don't believe that any of the divided groups in cog-land are part of the church of God, or remotely represent Christ.

The hirelings that control UCG, PCG, LCG, RCG, COGHulme and all the other divided groups that came out of WCG, have been discredited by their failure to speak out against Tkach's heretical teachings, and for taking a bribe in the form of a financial package to betray God's elect.

Hell is too good for these evil men. They will suffer the fate of the rich man!

Anonymous said...

Can you tell me the name of the church you belong to and who is the leader.
You are consinging men to eternal damnation something that Jesus warns us not to do. We do not have the perogative to condemn,we should judge righteous judgment but we have to rely on God to give us that righteous judgment. "For with what judgment you judge you will be judged, and what measure you use, it will be measured back to you."Matt:7:2-3. In the margin you will find that word judge means condemn. You seem very angry still. You need to let it go so you can serve God under the one He has chosen to lead His church in these last hours.

Tom Mahon said...

Anonymous said...

>>Can you tell me the name of the church you belong to and who is the leader.<<

I do not attend with any church group. The leader of the church I belong to is Christ.

>>You are consinging men to eternal damnation something that Jesus warns us not to do.<<

The men who were ordained ministers in WCG have turned out to be hirelings, because when the flock were in danger they ran away and left them. Genuine ministers, possessing the character of Christ, would have laid down their lives for the sheep, not abandoned them to be scattered by the wolves.

These contemptible men are no different from Judas, who sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Tkach threatened these men with the sack if they spoke out against his doctrinal changes, and to protect their salaries, they never told their respective congregations that the doctrinal changes were spiritual poison.

Now Jesus said it were better for Judas that he had never been born, than to have betrayed Him for a paltry 30 pieces of silver. Well, the same may be said of these evil men, who betrayed God's elect for what was euphemistically called a financial package, but what Jeremiah was inspired to call "a bribe."

Your perception that I seem angry is very much mistaken. My language is very forceful because the evil that has been done must be condemned in the strongest terms possible!

>>You need to let it go so you can serve God under the one He has chosen to lead His church in these last hours.<<

You mean I need to forget what these evil men have done? Sadly, you don't understand the justice of God.

BTW, who has God chosen to lead his church, and how come you don't have a name?

Anonymous said...

I wrote this before but I,m not sure it was posted so I,m doing it again. Tom the church is more than you and your family. It has many members but it is very small compared to the mega churhes of the world. It is called a little flock and this little flock has to take the gospel message to the whole world and the warning message to the Israelite nations also feed the flock. This has to be done till the end comes. The church has leaders faithful to Christ. I am not going tell where it is because it is best if you find out for yourself. If you humbly pray and ask God to show you He definatly answer you.

Anonymous said...

What men are you referring to? Mr. Meridith? Mr. Flurry? Mr. Wade Cox?
Who? Name names and their crimes.

I didn't think so!

Tom Mahon said...

Anonymous said...

>>Tom the church is more than you and your family.<<

Where did I say that the church consisted me and my family? This opinion is obviously another one of your misconceptions.

>>It has many members but it is very small compared to the mega churhes of the world.<<

I agree, but the people you think are being used by God to preach the gospel and feed the flock are ministers of Satan, and the misguided people who follow them are sadly deluded.

Tom Mahon said...

Anonymous said...

>>What men are you referring to? Mr. Meridith? Mr. Flurry? Mr. Wade Cox?
Who? Name names and their crimes.<<

You are such a brave soul in seeking to defend men who have betrayed God's elect for money, yet you don't have the courage to add your name to your advocacy. What are you afraid of? Do you think that God might discover who you are?

AuntBet said...

I am not saying who is or who is not a prophet BUT
I will say that if anyone says this is from God, that they are a prophet, etc. - then if they say that is from God it MUST come true!

If it doesn't, then it is NOT from God.

IF anyone proclaims themselves to be a prophet of God and ALL that they prophesy does not come true, THEN they are not a prophet of God!

Jesus Loves You!


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