Saturday, 16 January 2010

You Will Be Next

The 7.0 Haitian quake has provided an opportunity for mindless journalists to ask absurd questions, and make predictable, derogatory comments about the poverty and corruption in the country. It has also provided an opportunity for camera crews from around the world to photograph the dead and injured, and send the pictures back to gloating editors, whose motto is; “If it bleeds, it leads.” Of course, editors of the various media outlets are just happy to make money at anyone’s expense, even if it means degrading the subjects to do so.

But if a 7.0 quake should hit any major city in the world, it is bound to kill and injure thousands of people, whether the people are rich and there is no corruption in the city, which is highly unlikely. The dead and suffering of the injured are bound to leave survivors in a state of shock and disorientation, and their first priority would be to try and find the dead or surviving members of their own family. So I can’t see the relationship between poverty and a people’s ability to respond to the suffering of their neighbours.

However, in spite of the nonsensical, tectonic theories trotted out by seismologists, who, by the way, are unable to predict where and when a quake will occur: quakes can and will occur in places that are not located on the so-called “Ring of Fire.” Jesus prophesied that earthquakes will occur in “diverse places,” as a sign that we are approaching end of the world(Matt.24:7). So today it is Haiti, but tomorrow it could be any where.

But more importantly, when Jesus was told about the Galileans, whose blood Pilate mingled with his sacrifices, and of the 18 people on whom the temple of Siloam fell, he replied, “think you that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, no, but except you repent, you shall all likewise perish”(Luke 13:1-5).

Now it is pretty clear that the former members of The Worldwide Church of God and the current members of all of the divided splinter groups, that came out of WCG, are beyond repentance. So when the overflowing scourge passes through, they will be swept away, especially the ministers who have spent a generation lying to the flock, and fleecing them to feed themselves(Isaiah 28:14-18).


Anonymous said...

when are you going to take the gospel into the world? What are you waiting for?

Questeruk said...

“Now it is pretty clear that the former members of The Worldwide Church of God and the current members of all of the divided splinter groups, that came out of WCG, are beyond repentance.”

That is very broad brush, and also very heartless, Tom.

Why do you think the majority of members of the ‘splits’ are still where they are? Because they are trying to continue to live the lives they were called to under the original WCG.

Isn’t that what you too are trying to do?

Calling ALL current members of the splits beyond repentance shows a complete lack of mercy. Mercy which I know God is prepared to show.

Maybe you too should try tempering your views with mercy?

Tom Mahon said...

Questeruk said...

TM“N>>ow it is pretty clear that the former members of The Worldwide Church of God and the current members of all of the divided splinter groups, that came out of WCG, are beyond repentance.”<<

Q>>That is very broad brush, and also very heartless, Tom.<<

"Heartless?" I don't think so! When you examine the behaviour of the " ministers," currently operating in the splinter groups, in the light of God's word, you are driven to the inescapable conclusion that they behaved like hirelings. These evil men failed to speak out against Tkach's doctrinal changes, because they were afraid that they would be sacked without a redundancy package. Their silence was motivated by money, therefore they are hirelings.

Hirelings can never be shepherds! The shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. But these evil men abandoned the sheep to drink the spiritual poison Tkach was pouring out. As a consequence of their behaviour, they have been rejected by God, and are therefore beyond repentance.

Sadly, the poisoned, deceived sheep followed them into their New Religion. If these "sheep" were God's flock, they would not have followed these men. For Jesus says, "My sheep hear my voice, and a stranger they will not follow." In fact, Jesus goes further by saying, "They will flee from strangers, for they know not the voice of strangers."

So, the deluded people that have followed the leaders of UCG, LCG, RCG, PCG, COG/Hulme and all the other divided splinter groups, are also beyond repentance, you may be shocked to learn!

Anonymous said...

You are the one in for a shock the shock of your life. Well Gavin is gone and something tells me you are next.

Tom Mahon said...

Anon asserts...

>>Well Gavin is gone and something tells me you are next.<<

As soon as Gavin started censoring my posts, I knew that his blog would not survive. So it departure does not surprised me. If you don't believe me, check my archive posts for July 2008.

Gavin's blog was a platform on which a number of idiotic people stood to attack Mr. Armstrong, especially Dennis, The Depressed, and Douglas, The Deranged. They will now migrate over to Otagosh to continue with their demented folly.

However, your "something" that told you I will be next, could only be the serpent that lied to Eve. Be careful who you listen to!

Anonymous said...

Yes Tom you will be gone too. How do I know? No one can condemn God,s true servants and not suffer the consequences

Questeruk said...

Tom Mahon said...

“So, the deluded people that have followed the leaders of UCG, LCG, RCG, PCG, COG/Hulme and all the other divided splinter groups, are also beyond repentance, you may be shocked to learn!”

In effect you are suggesting that virtually everyone originally called by God into the original WCG are now ‘beyond repentance’.

On that basis it was a pretty poor deal being called by God – being called to almost certain failure. Far better not to be called at all, and then still have a chance at a future time.

Tom Mahon said...

Anon said...

>>No one can condemn God,s true servants and not suffer the consequences<<

You no doubt will be surprised to learn that I agree with you! But the problem is, the people you think are God's servants are, in reality, the servants of the devil!

Ask yourself, how many churches did Jesus build? One! Also, ask yourself, how many ministers left the apostolic church, went off and started their own church and was regarded as faithful ministers of Christ? None! In fact, anyone that left the church and drew away disciples after him was rightly regarded as a heretic!

Yet, today we have all of these, UCG, LCG, RCG, PCG, COG/Hulme and all the other divided splinter groups claiming to be churches of God. If these are churches of God, we will have to throw the bible out of the window: for it teaches that Christ is not divided, and that his ministers should ALL speak the same things(1 Cor.1:10). If these groups are ALL churches of God, how come the leaders don't ALL speak the same things, or even speak to one another?

Once again, I can only conclude that you have been listening to the serpent that lied to Eve.

Tom Mahon said...

Questeruk said...

>>In effect you are suggesting that virtually everyone originally called by God into the original WCG are now ‘beyond repentance’.<<

I am not suggesting any thing of the kind! You need to read what I said much more carefully.

Questeruk said...

Hi Tom,

To my comment :-

>>In effect you are suggesting that virtually everyone originally called by God into the original WCG are now ‘beyond repentance’.<<

You replied:-

“I am not suggesting any thing of the kind! You need to read what I said much more carefully.”

I really am trying to read what you are saying carefully.

Your original comment was:-

“Now it is pretty clear that the former members of The Worldwide Church of God and the current members of all of the divided splinter groups, that came out of WCG, are beyond repentance.”

OK – let’s do a rough ‘ball park’ analysis of this.

We had around 150,000 in WCG around the time of HWA’s death.

Worldwide Church of God currently apparently has around 40,000 attending, so that’s roughly 25%, who you state are ‘beyond repentance’.

Rough numbers of the splinters, based on their reputed feast attendance.
UCG 20,000+
LCG 8000
RCG 1000+?
PCG 5000?
COG/Hulme 2500

So that’s about 37,000 – add the hundreds of other smaller splits would bring the total to 45,000 – 50,000

So that’s another 30% or more that you state as being ‘beyond repentance’, so we have already covered more than half the people.

But it doesn’t end there.

What about the rest? Well, we both know that quite a number have gone into atheism (see your comments on the contributors to Ambassador watch Blog!) – so I am guessing that you would consider that they are ‘beyond repentance’.

Then we have another big section that have gone into ‘conventional’ Protestantism, Sunday keeping and everything else. Once more, I am guessing that you would categorise them as beyond repentance (much like ‘the dog returned to it’s vomit’).

Then we have a whole section of those that basically now do nothing, have given up on beliefs in disillusionment. Are they too beyond repentance?

I realise that doesn’t include absolutely every individual, but you must agree that we have captured the vast majority here.

I am trying to understand Tom, if you are saying all these people are ‘beyond repentance’, how you can also say that you are ‘not suggesting any thing of the kind!’, and that I ‘need to read what I said much more carefully.’

A word of explanation from you would be much appreciated.

Maybe you could spell it out a little more clearly for me.


Tom Mahon said...

Questeruk said...

TM>>“Now it is pretty clear that the former members of The Worldwide Church of God and the current members of all of the divided splinter groups, that came out of WCG, are beyond repentance.”<<

Q>>I really am trying to read what you are saying carefully.<<

Please accept my apologies. The phrase "the former members" would obviously include ALL former member, including myself. But what I actually meant was, the former members who are now members of UCG, LCG, PCG, RCG, COG/Hulme and all the other divided groups, independent or affiliated to one of the larger organisations.

However, if history which was written for our learning be our guide, you will see that by the time of the flood only 8 people were saved: and of the 600,000 people that came out of Egypt under the leadership of Moses, only 2 entered the promise land: and again, there were only 3 righteous people found in the twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

So it should not come as a surprise to anyone who understands that God's flock is very small, that only a very small number of people who attended WCG were truly converted.

I must confess that was deeply shocked by the failure of ALL the UK ministers to publicly speak out against Tkach's doctrinal changes. The ministers, who disagree with changes, kept in contact with one another via email and the telephone, and plotted to leave and join UCG, but never once told any of the members of their plans. This behaviour was a betrayal of God's people, and it was done for the sake of money.

God would never inspire his people to follow these men! Anyone who is following them is obviously deceived.

Anyway, I will post a couple of articles on what bible has to say about the behaviour of these evil men and the misguided people who are following them.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tom
Can you decribe Mizpah for me?
Really curious

Anonymous said...

You just don't have the mind of Christ


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