Sunday, 26 January 2025


Democracy has been exalted, especially in the west, as the greatest form of government ever invented. In some countries it has been elevated to the status of a religion, on which the citizens salvation depends.

However, when Solon, the Greek invented democracy, it was intended to placate the Plebs who had risen up against the injustices of the Patricians. Solon's idea was, if the Plebs voted for their leaders, the leaders would deveop policies to take the welfare of the Plebs into consideation. Of course, the selfishhness of the Patricians took priority over the interest of the Plebs. Today, the same is true. 


In democracratic countries a government and an opposition are elected at the same time. The opposition is to oppose the goverment. If that is not confused madness, I am Santa Claus.

However, Jesus says: "A house devided against itself cannot stand, but is brought to desolation" (Mark 3:25). Yet, what applies to a house, also applies to all the divided nations on earth. Because of devision, which leads to confusion, and every evil work (James 3:14). The world is on the path to desolation.


Saturday, 7 December 2024

The End of The World

Cato, a Roman statesman, observed thus: "We must lay hold on the best opinions of men, as a raft, to take us over the dangerous waters of life; unless we can find a more sure word of God, that will take us much more safely." Sadly, the Romans did not find that sure word of God, so their empire was destroyed.

Today we live in a dangerous world, mismanaged by idiotic opinions. for no one understands the perils of life.

As a consequence, the world is on a course of self destruction. When Jesus disciples asked him, "What are the signs of your coming, and the end of the world?" He did not hesitate to tell them (Matt. 24:3-12). We are 26 years away from the end of the world. 

The Signs

The first sign the decip;es are to look for is an army of deceived men claiming to represent Jesus. Today, we have an estimated 600 million evangelicals, who have arrogated to themselves the title, ministers of Christ. But to represent Christ, one must have the spirit of Christ. For the words of the Chosen Vessel are these: "Now if any man have not the spirit of Christ, he is none of his"(Rom 8: 9). Yet, dispite that emphatic statement, an army of men without the spirit Christ, are deceiving gullible people into believing that they belong to Christ.

The second sign

The second sign is wars and rumours of wars. Today we have wars every where. Of course, Jesus is referring to national conflicts. Nations against nations, and kingdoms against kingdoms.

However, wars begin in homes, where parents fight one another, and the children fight each other and the parents, These days, marriage is an alien concept, Men and women just live together for a while before moving on because of conflict.

Sadly, today 85 per cemt of all children born in Britain and America are bastards; born out of wedlock. They are, therefore, cursed children, without any hope of salvation. For God told Moses, "A bastard shall not enter the congregation of the Lord, even unto the tenth generation." (Deut. 23:2).

The eleve ( generation overstep the ten commandments, and is a symbol of sin. And sinners will not be in the kingdom of God.

Yet, bastards were allowed to attend WCG's services. Some were even given responsibilities within the church, That was a clear sign that the hireling ministry were bastards themselves, as they came to the church without repentance (Heb. 12:6-7). These were spiritual bastards, because they were not born of the spirit.

The third sign, famine

Despite the abundance of food in the world, famine is on the horizon.  amiine is a frightful condition. The prophet Joel was inspjred to write: (Joel1-4).

The next sign is pestalence, followed by earthquakes. I shall returm to these topics at a later date. But today, I want to speak about a condition, that is leading to the collapse of all nations.

Saturday, 12 October 2024


The day of Atonement is a mirror image of the Passover. The Passover occurred on earth, when Jesus was crucified for the sins of the world, but the Atonement occurred in heaven for the redemption of God's elect. This teaching is set out in Hebrews chapter nine.

Sadly, to this day, the epistle to the Hebrews is not understood among the vast army of deceived, religious people, claiming to repersent Jesus. Also, when God revealed the holy days to Moses, and instructed him that Aaron be ordained the high priest, neither Moses nor Aaron understood the meaning of Atonement. For the Holy Spirit had not yet been given, and without the Holy Spirit, one cannot understand  the word of God. Of course, since the people of Israel don't believe that Jesus is both God and the son of God, they cannot understand the meaning of Atonement.

To be continued

Monday, 30 September 2024

The Calendar of God

 Despite the scientific humbug, that 365 days make a year, the word of God speaks the truth, that 360 days make one year. This revelation was made known by the process of deductive reasoning, during and aftwr the flood.

The flood began on the 17th dat of the secon month, and the water remained upon the earth until the 17th day of the seventh month. Logic tells us, that period of time was five mpnths. Later we were told, the flood waters remained upon the earth for 150 days.

The sound, rational mind; blessed with the gift of deductive logic is able to correctly conclude, that according to the calendar of God, 360 days make a year.

Therefore, today is one year since Hamass attacked Israel. The question now is, how many more years will the war continue? According to the word of God, the war will continue until both sides are close to extinction, That will be around 2045.

The Beast

Soon after that date, the EU, led by Herr Pitt, the beast of Revelation 13, will send a large army into the Middle East, in an attempt to sort out to carnage.

Wednesday, 10 July 2024

A sealed book

Among the estimated 600 million evangelicals in the world, there is widespread ignorance of the teachings of the bible. When Jesus was on earth, he spoke to the people in parables. and his disciples asked him, what the parable meant? "And he said, unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand (Luke 8:10). The parables were spoken to hide the meaning of the word from those who were not of God.

Despite that revelation, a vast army of deceived preachers think that Jesus came into the world to save anyone who wants to come to him. They don't understand that God foreordained, before the foundation of the world those that will be saved(Eph.1:4-5). These are called, "Vessels of mercy."

A sealed book

The bible was probably the first book ever written. It was written in eternity, and sealed with seven seals. No one but the father knew of its existence; not even the angels in heaven. Its content was hidden from everyone, including Jesus.

When John was taken up into heaven, he saw the book in the right hand of the father thus: "And I saw in the right of him that sat on the throne a book written and on the backside, sealed with seven seals (Rev.5:1-5). John added, "And I saw a strong angel with a loud voice, proclaiming who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof?"

The text continues, "And no man in heaven, nor in earth. or under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon." And I weep much, and he was told, "Weep not. behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof."

From what we just read, we learned that only Jesus is qualified to reveal what is written in what we called, the bible. God, the father, gave the revelation to Jesus (Heb.1:1-2). Jesus gave the revelation to the Holy Spirit, to give to the church (Rev.3:6). Jesus also said, Howbeit when the spirit of truth is come...(John 16:13-14). On the first Pentecost after Jesus's resurrection, the Holy Spirit gave the revelation to the church, in a blaze of glory. Tne Apstles were able to speak in several different languages, that astonished their listeners.

A vast Army

Today, we have a vast army of deceived, deluded men claiming to understand the bible. yet, none of these men have received the gift of the Holy Spirit. To them, the bible is a sealed book, written in parables.


Tobe continued

Sunday, 16 June 2024


Sadly, the holy days were neither properly understood in Israel nor The Worldwide Church of God.

The Holy Days

Passover mirrors Atonement. The Passover took place on earth, but the Atonement occurred in heaven (Heb.9:1-2). The seven days of unleavened bread, described by the Chosen Vessel, as "the bread of sincerity and truth" (1Cor.5:1-8) Those days are mirrored by the seven days of the Feast of Tabernacles, which represent the eternal rest in the kingdom of God. Anyone without the virtues of sincerity and truth will not be there.

The duality and the final events of the Feast of Trumpets are wrapped in a recondite mystery, which can't be understood by the carnal mind. The term recondite was not chosen by me, but by the Holy Spirit. I am the only person on earth who use the term recondite, and have some understanding of what it means.


As I stated earlier, Pentecost is a mirror image of the last great day of The Feast of Tabernacles. It is a day of judgment: when God reveals who will be saved by the gift of the holy spirit, and who will perish without it.

When Jesus was on earth, it is recorded thus "In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood, and cried, saying, "if any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believes on me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water" (John 7:37-38). The Apostle John added, (But this spoke he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Spirit was not yet given; because Jesus was not yet glorified.)

Tragically, the remnant of Israel, who are children of the bond woman. They don't believe in Jesus. Hence, God allowing the attack on the 7 October 2023 It was the day of judgment. 

Is anyone so foolish as to believe, that God was unware of Hamas's plans?

To be continued

Tuesday, 11 June 2024

Evil Inventions

 The Chosen Vessel in his sublime, recondite eplstle to the Romans, listed the vices that have produced the wretchedness of the human condition thus: (Rom.1:21-32). In that list we have, "the inventors of evil things."


Ever since the fall of the Roman Empire, and the period, called the dark ages, there were very few evil inventions. But after the discovery of the library in Toledo, Spain, where the writings of the Greeks and Roman were rescued from destruction, many men interested in learning, headed for Toledo. That was the renaissance, or the rebirth of learning.

Who are the inventors

Since that time, we have had hundreds of evil inventions. Both theoretical and practical. But the question that demands an answer is this, who are the people, that are primarily responsible for the evil inventions in the world? These evil inventions, goaded by the devil, have driven humanity to the edge of disaster. If Jesus doesn't return before 2054, no flesh wil be save alive. But for the elect sake, he will return.

The inventions

The atomic bomb is perhaps the most evil invention known to man. It was deliberately developed to kill people. On the day that it was is was successfully tested Oppenheimer observed: "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds." But is it? Are there other evil inventions, masquerading as helpful products,  that have killed and are killing more people than the atomic bomb?


The gods of science looked at the creatures in the soil, and decided that they are pests, and must be killed. So the gods invented pesticides, that is sprayed by men in protected suits. Yet, the gods assure humanity that pesticides are safe to use on the land. But God created  the creatures in the soil for a special purpose, of which the gods of science are ignorant.

Still, the gods of science who think they know better than God, the Almighty, kill the creatures, poison the land, the animals, the food and our bodies. Then when people get sick, the gods recommend medicines, produced by witchcraft, to kill the sick. For experience has shown that sick people don't get better, unless it is a minor injury. There is no cure for cancer, despite the billions spent on research. No cure for heart disease, high blood pressure, or any other serious illness. Bit Satan has deceived humanity into believing, the gods of science can save them.


Is the contraceptive pill an evil invention? In the past 70 years, it has killed more men and women than the Atomic bomb, and all the other weapons of war combined. Millions of women die every single year from gynecological rated cancers: from breasts to ovarian cancers, caused by women taking the contraceptive pill.

God says, people who invent evil things are worthy of death. Read it, if you dare.

To be ecological


Democracy has been exalted, especially in the west, as the greatest form of government ever invented. In some countries it has been elevated...