Sunday, 28 September 2008

Another Hireling Jumped Ship

After Ron King, the hirling director of Living Church of God UK, announced that John Meakin jumped from David Hulme's shipwreck to join LCG drifting barge, King went on to say, "Mr Meakin is a minister of thirty three years experience in the United Kingdom and will be serving as Area Pastor in the south of England, including London.  He has experience in editorial work and we look forward to receiving his help in this area.

Well, unless Meakin is bringing most of his existing docile laity with him, there won't be much for him to pastor. For the LCG congregation in London consists of about 10 people when everyone is in attendance, and in the unspecified South, there may be 6 people, who can't tell their right hand from their left.

Among Hulme's discredited UK "ministry," or should that be hirelings, Meakin is probably respected and might even be admired by many of his fellow hirelings. So his departure just before the Feast will send shock waves through those who are still clinging to the wreckage, hoping to be rescued.

His departure will also be seen by some as a hideous act of treachery and betrayal. But they are just reaping what they sowed. In 1995, Hulme's hirelings, including Meakin, sold the brethren for what was called a financial package, but what God inspired Jeremiah to call a bribe!

My former "pastor," Peter Shenton, and local elder, Ian Martin, who are the most contemptible of men, will be on the phone to discuss the implications of Meakin's treachery. And like unscrupulous, contemptible politicians, they will begin to position themselves to occupy the vacancy created by Meakin's departure. But they will have to fight Rapson, who sees himself as a biblical scholar, trained in the Meredith school of theology. What a laugh!

Of course, God is not real to any of these people.  If he was, they would never behave in such a deceitful and deplorable manner.  For they would remember the words of the Chosen Vessel, when he says, "Do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God"(1 Cor.6:9).

Monday, 22 September 2008

What? Christian women and cancer!

Every year hundreds of COG women die of breast, cervical or bowel cancers. A brief scan of any COG pray list will reveal the number of distressing cases of cancer amongst COG women and, sadly, the majority will be dead within 12 months, and the rest within 5 years. For you can be certain that God will not heal them. Those who don't die from gynecological related cancers, suffer the indignity of having their wombs removed to protect their damaged health, or are crippled by osteoporosis.

Yet, you never hear any of the hirelings in cog-land addressing this tragedy from the pulpit, or in their inane publications. One would have thought that the grieving husbands would want answers to why their wives contracted a fatal disease, and despite all the pray and "fasting" God didn't heal their wives.

For years in WCG, we sang: "Children are the gift of God, and the fruit of the womb is his reward," and then proceeded to erect barriers against receiving his gifts and denying him his reward. The main barrier erected by so-called Christian women, under the guise of family planning, is the contraceptive pill. Of course, there are other barriers, which have destructive side effects, but the pill is the most destructive to women's health and longevity of life.

The pill does not only prevent conception, it also triggers an abortion if conception occurs before the egg reaches the womb. If conceptions take place, the chemical reactions in the body spring into action to support the pregnancy, and prepare for the birth of the baby. Messages are sent from the brain to the mammary glands to start producing milk to feed the baby.

A few days or weeks later, the whole process is disrupted by the pill triggering an abortion of the gift of God. How despicable? It is impossible to fully understand the impact such an event has on a so-called Christian woman's body. The mammary glands are forced to abort the production of milk, and all the other organs that were activated to support the pregnancy go into shock!

The medium to long term consequences for so-called Christian women, who want to be like the women of the world, is hysterectomies, cancers of the cervix, breast, bowel, stomach or being crippled by osteoporosis - with ultimate exclusion from the kingdom of God, followed by eternal punishment. What a tragedy!!

To be continued

Monday, 15 September 2008

Will Jesus be at your Feast site?

In the next few weeks many of the hirelings that preside over the hundreds of divided groups in cog-land, will be gathering in various locations around the world to celebrate what they misguidedly think is the Feast of Tabernacles. But the burning question is this, will Christ be attending with them, or will they just be on holiday?

In the UK, the two major groups are UCG and David Hulme's COG. Now it should be evident to any genuine Christian that Jesus won't be attending with these. David Hulme and the discredited UK "ministry" failed to speak out against Tkach's doctrinal changes. In fact, they advised the brethren to stay with WCG while they were planning to leave and join UCG, hoping that when the brethren realised what was going on they would follow them like dumb sheep, which is exactly what happened! What duplicity.

Some three years later, when Hulme was removed for misleading UCG, he conspired with most of the UK hirelings to hijack UCG, UK membership, and then proceeded to start his own church. Yet there isn't one single example in the New Testament of any Apostle ever leaving his fellow Apostles to start his own church, and still be regarded as a genuine minister of Christ.

On the contrary, Paul was inspired to emphasize the unity of Christ thus: "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment"(1 Cor. 1:10). Now, it should be evident to anyone who has not been completely deceived by the Devil, that the hundreds of divided groups in cog-land do not speak "the same thing," and they certainly are not "perfectly joined together in the same mind and judgment" about anything. Yet, the Holy Spirit of truth, who infallibly inspired the the Holy Scriptures, told the brethren that they must be "endeavouring to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace"(Eph. 4:3). So how can men who claimed to be led by the holy spirit end up fighting amongst themselves, instead of obeying the command of God to preserve the unity of the spirit among themselves? The answer is very simple, they don't have the spirit of God. And anyone who doesn't have the spirit of Christ, doesn't belong Christ, and therefore cannot keep the Feast of Tabernacles.

Under the New Testament dispensation Jesus revealed that the Christian body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, where God dwells. And Paul confirms thus: "Know you not that you are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwells in you?"(1 Cor. 3:16).

This is a sublime doctrine, which cannot be understood by those who are motivated by money and power. So I am not sure that I should waste my time writing a detailed exposition of the relationship between the Tabernacle in the wilderness and the Christian body. Suffice to say, you can be absolutely sure that no one in UCG, LCG, PCG, RCG, David Hulme's COG or any of the other hundreds of divided groups, led by hirelings, will be keeping the Feast with Christ, because they are not the temple of God!

To be continued

Monday, 1 September 2008

The inanity of it all

Monday 1 September. While at Mizpah waiting for news of the destruction of the wicked, and preparing for the Feast of Tabernacles, I torn myself away from these weighty matters to look in on AW blog. When I thought that things couldn't get any worse I was sadly mistaken. The moderator, no doubt, by popular request has reverted to poking fun at Ron Wieland. Wow! How intellectually stimulating!

I also note that Corky has posted a picture of himself dressed in either his pajamas or his prison attire. I wonder who wears his proper clothes? Anyway, I hope no one is so crazy as to send Corky to prison, as he will poison the minds of the guards against the teaching of Jesus, and in no time they will be all atheists, with no belief in the punishment of the wicked!

However, there are indications that Dennis and Douglas are beginning to feel the wrath of God, and that Richard may not be able to contact me if news of their destruction should reach him before it reaches me!

Still, I will remain at Mizpah until time to depart for the Feast.


Democracy has been exalted, especially in the west, as the greatest form of government ever invented. In some countries it has been elevated...