Friday, 7 August 2009

As in the days of Noah

Jesus described the perilous times in which we live as similar to the days of Noah thus (Matt.24:37-38). Noah, of course, was warned by God of an impending flood, that would destroy the wicked from off the earth. Because Noah found favour with God, he was instructed to build an ark for the saving of his family, which he proceeded to do. The Scriptures indicate that Noah was around 500 years old when he was warned by God of the impending flood, which came in the 600 year of Noah's life.

Peter also states that Noah was "a preacher of righteousness" (2 Pet. 2:5); and while building the Ark, he was also warning the world of the coming flood. Of course, Noah's warnings were ignored, just as Herbert Armstrong's preaching was ignored by the vast majority of people who heard him, including most of the ministers and laity of The Worldwide Church of God.

However, this time the world will not be destroyed by a flood, but by fire. Note what Peter was also inspired to write thus: (2 Pet. 3:10). And as in the days of Noah, the people of the world turned a deaf ear to the warnings of God, today, the world is behaving exactly in the same manner, including the devious charlatans operating the various splinter groups in cog-land.

So the question is this: how many people will be saved when Jesus returns? If the parallel conditions are the same, why will more than 8 people be saved?


Anonymous said...

The people who will be saved will be the group that is taking the gospel to the world and the Ezekiel warning to the Israelitish nations. The open door mentioned in Revelation 3:8 is the door to take the gospel into the world. If those 8 are doing that then they will be saved.
For some one who likes to critique other people,s writings you sure don't check yours.

Tom Mahon said...

Anonymous said...

>>The people who will be saved will be the group that is taking the gospel to the world and the Ezekiel warning to the Israelitish nations.<<

Which group are you talking about?

>>The open door mentioned in Revelation 3:8 is the door to take the gospel into the world.<<

Yes, but who is currently taking the gospel into all the world?

>>If those 8 are doing that then they will be saved.<<

But will you be one of them?

>>For some one who likes to critique other people,s writings you sure don't check yours.<<

Thank you for drawing my attention to a couple of spelling errors, but I have the courage to add my name to what I have to say, you don't!

Anonymous said...

The LIVING CHURCH OF GOD is taking the gospel into all the world. You can look into the church and see that it is doing just that. Tom just put away your prejudice and study the booklet God,s church through the ages.It will help you understand the apostacy and also the church eras. I challenge you to study that booklet. It was written by Mr John Ogwyn.

Tom Mahon said...

Anon said...

>>The LIVING CHURCH OF GOD is taking the gospel into all the world.<<

The idea that Dr.Meredith has been sent by God to preach the gospel has to be a sick joke. I attended with LCG from its formation in 1998 until FOT 2000, where I gave the sermon on the last great day. I also served as a board member, and met with Carl McNair, Dr. Meredith, Dough Winnail and other ministers. So I am well aware of the compromises these men were and are willing to make to placate friends and family.

I challenged Dr. Meredith about his decision to accept Richard Ames in Global/LCG, as Ames had remained with WCG for 18 months, "pastoring" the Glendora congregation, even though he disagreed with Tkach's doctrinal changes. I still have Meredith's letter to me, seeking to justify Ames credibility as a faithful minister of Christ. It is laughable!

In addition, Carl McNair once gave a sermon on election, and speculated that God choose Jacob over Esau because he saw something in Jacob's character that he didn't see in Esau's. When I wrote to Carl to point that he was preaching salvation by works, and not by grace, he wrote back saying he stood by what he had said. What folly!

Dr. Meredith also likes to quote Gals.2:20 as his favourite scripture, but doesn't have the faintest idea what it means to be crucified with Christ, and I am certain you don't, either!

Finally, the question you ought to ask yourself is, if John Ogwyn was making a significant contribution to the preaching of the gospel, why did God allow him to die? If you can answer this question, you might learn something, which will help you to stop hiding in the shadows!

Anonymous said...

Noah's ark is an abysmal and factually impossible total joke.

There is NO WAY some animals could live on an ark. NO WAY.

Some are parasites that require particular conditions not present on an ark. Some fish and other sea animals live near vents in the sea floor and require sulphur to be present in high pressure water.

You have to be truly ignorant, as Tom is, about science to believe in the Ark.


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