Saturday, 26 February 2011

Earthquakes and A scoffer’s Reaction. (SEE UPDATE)

The below quote is the opening salvo from a former member of The Worldwide Church of God, who has repudiated all that he once believed, and is now an enthusiastic but ill informed scoffer:Dimwitted morons who are keen to find cause for disasters are two a penny, but apocalyptic control freaks have to be at the very bottom of the barrel.”  This insane attack is against Ron Fraser, a “minister” and writer in the Philadelphia Church of God.

The enthusiastic scoffer in none other than Gavin Rumney, of the infamous Ambassador Watch Blog.  Since graduating with a distance learning BA in theology from Otago university, Rumney has arrogated to himself the status of a scholar, and delights in quoting from a farrago of texts, penned by men with bloated egos, who think they understand the bible.

However, even after Rumney’s rant of hot air against Ron Fraser, he was unable or unwilling to say what was the cause of the Christchurch earthquake.  Perhaps Rumney believes in the idiotic theory of plate tectonics, and thinks that nature operates by caprice.  So the quake in Christchurch was just an unfortunate event, which could occur any where at any time.  Well, nothing should be done to wake up Rumney nor rescue him if the next "capricious" quake is centered under his home!

But for the few people who still believe that God controls nature, and decides where earthquakes and other so-called natural disaster will strike, the words of Jesus might be helpful.  When Jesus was told that Pilate had mingled the blood of Galileans with his sacrifices, and that the temple of Siloam fell on 18 people, note his reply: “Suppose you that these Galileans were sinners above all the Galileans, because they suffered such things?  I tell you, no: but except you repent, you shall all likewise perish” (Luke 13:1-5).

So today it is Christchurch, but tomorrow it will be you, Rumney and the deranged Douglas Becker might be shocked to learn!


My audience include people from Japan.  If God led them to this site they may have been unaffected by the recent quake, as his intention is to have mercy on them by eventually leading them to repentance.  

However, much larger and more destructive earthquakes are on the horizon, for God has promised to shake both the heavens and the earth!

Thursday, 10 February 2011

When was Satan thrown out of heaven?

The above question was posed by an earnest soul looking for the truth, as he or she had read that the Jehovah Witnesses believe and teach that Satan was cast out in 1914.  Eric Snow, from UCG, wrote a rambling reply denying the year 1914, but was unable to say when Satan was cast out.
In replying to the earnest soul, Eric cited a number of scriptural texts, which he twisted, to regurgitate the WCG teaching that Satan was cast out of heaven before Adam and Eve were created.  This belief is pure heresy, which Satan has planted in the minds of those who were and are afflicted with the Laodicean condition of blindness.

It would be tedious to write a long explanation of how and when Satan was cast out, as most of my faithful readers are either still on the milk of the word or have fallen from grace, and are therefore unable to understand the meat of the word.  But one text will suffice to show that Satan was not cast  out before Adam and Eve were created.

When Jesus was talking about his death and resurrection, please note what he was inspired to say: "Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out(John 12:31).  If Satan had been cast out before the creation of Adam and Eve, why was Jesus saying that he would be cast out after his death and resurrection?


Democracy has been exalted, especially in the west, as the greatest form of government ever invented. In some countries it has been elevated...