Thursday, 8 October 2015

Beyond Repentance

Bruce Porteus, once well know for his silly opinions on the breakup of The Worldwide of Church God, first joined UCG.  But after internal fighting in the office in New Zealand, Bruce left to join LCG.  Why he left LCG, I don't know, and I don't really care, but he is now a member of CGI.

CGI celebrated what it called, The Feast of Tabernacle, in some part of the Phillipines, and Bruce posted pictures and comments on how wonderful it was.

Of course, I reminded Bruce that CGI was started by Garner Ted Armstrong, with the collusion of Ron Dart and Wayne Cole, to draw away disciples after them.  So that they could continue to get a salary, without having to work for it.

Anyway, one of Bruce's underlings replied to me saying: "God forgive Saul, why would he not forgive GTA?"  I replied that Paul had answered that question, and urged him to look it up.  But because the underling is ignorant of the bible, he didn't know where to look.  So I tried to help him thus:  "I see that you didn't look it up, perhaps you don't know where to look?"

Well, let me help you and Bruce, if that is remotely possible, to understand the difference between Paul and GTA. The words of the Chosen Vessel are these: "Who, Paul, was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief"(1Tim.1:13). But GTA, Ron Dart, Wayne Cole and all the others, that rebelled against God's servant, HWA, did not do so ignorantly. They were "once enlightened." They pastor churches, and were given the honour of preaching the gospel to the world. Then they wickedly rebelled! The judgment of God, not the judgment of Tom Mahon, is this: "For it is impossible for those who were once enlighten, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Spirit; and have tasted the good word of God, and the power of the world to come; if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance..."(Hebrews. 6:4-6). You, Bruce and the docile laity in CGI may be of the idiotic opinion that you can forgive people that God has already condemned. Well, you have got some surprises coming, and I can assure you, they won't be pleasant!

That same judgment applies to all those that are in WCG,UK, GCI, UCG, RCG, LCG, COG/Hulme, and all the other divided churches of God, where the hireling leaders, who were "once enlightened," betrayed God's elect for the sake of money!


Democracy has been exalted, especially in the west, as the greatest form of government ever invented. In some countries it has been elevated...