Monday, 11 June 2018

A Major Evil

One of the major evils of the times in which we live is, children dishonouring their parents, by speaking ill of them, failing to visit or help them in any way.

Yet, the the Chosen Vessel was inspired to write: "Honour your father and your mother; which is the first commandment with promise; that it may be well with you, and you may live long on the earth"(Eph.6:2-3).

Tragically, millions of young men and women die every day, as a consequence of failing to obey the fifth commandment, which commands them to honour their parents.

Can there be anything more dastardly evil than a child, who denigrates his father, whom God used to cause him to be conceived in his mother's womb? Such a child is most ungrateful and profoundly evil. It will not go well for that child, neither will he inherit the promise of a long life.


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