Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Ordained to Condemnation

Someone who I thought was converted, but lack of maturity caused to display flickering signs of defiance, stubbornness and rebellion, is now completely subverted, and is now attending services with Dave Pack's Restored Church of God.

Dave Pack used to be a member of The Global Church of God, started by Dr, Meredith.  During that time he was preaching the same heresies that were taught in The Worldwide Church of God.  Heresies such as, the first resurrection will occur at the return of Jesus Christ; there will be a thousand years millennium, where Christ will be on earth ruling from Jerusalem; Satan would then be bound for Jesus's period of rule on earth.  After the millennium Satan would be released to go out and deceived all the people of world, who were living at peace with Jesus for a thousand years.  These deceived people would then organised an attack against the camp of the saints, and then they will be destroyed!  If this teaching is not rabid madness, then I must be deceived.  But God forbid, that these Satanic heresies could be remotely true!  By the way, all these heresies have been embraced and taught by all the divided groups that have been form since God spewed WCG out of his mouth for being rich and increased with goods, naked, blind and lukewarm.

In 1998 Norbert Link, Edwin Pope, Larry Salyer and Raymond McNair hijacked Global from Meredith.  Meredith then set up The Living Church of God, and the next year, 1999, Pack started RCG, to rob deceived, gullible people of tithes and offerings.  But Pack is not alone, Victor Kubic and Les McCullough colluded with an army of hireling ministers from America and the UK, respectively, to accept a redundancy package and then joined UCG.

In August 1995, the cabal first met in Cincinnati, Ohio, to organise the heresy.  They began by giving Wayne Cole a standing ovation for stabbing Mr Armstrong in his back, and then joining Garner Ted and Ron Dart to form CGI. They then elected David Hulme as their leader. A man with a bloated ego, but absolutely no knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom heaven.

However, three years later David rebelled against the heresy, and went off to set up his own heresy.  Can you believe It?

The Chosen Vessel warned that all of the men who have started their own churches, men "ordained to this condemnation"(Jude 4), would have arisen.  The words of the Chosen Vessel are these, which could have been echoed by Mr. Armstrong: "For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.  Also, of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them"(Acts 20:29-30).

Note the inspired text thus: "Also, of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them."  I wonder to whom do the hirelings, that left WCG and started their own churches, think this passage apply?  It can only apply to men who were once members of the Church of God.  For it says,"of your own selves." Therefore, it applies to Garner Ted, Ron Dart, Dave Havir, Gerry Flurry, Dave Pack, Dr. Meredith, Raymond McNair, Victor Kubic, David Hulme, Norbert Link, Edwin Pope, Larry Sayler and a hosts of others, that I do not have time and space to mention.  But what I will not fail to mention is this, the day will come that these evil men will wish that they had never been born!

In addition, it will be pointless to explain when the first resurrection began; when Satan was cast out of heaven and bound for a thousands years; when the Devil will be released, and for how long.

To be continued


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