Sunday, 11 August 2019

The Ambassador College Delusion

The majority of the men and women who attended AC were never truly called by God.  The vast majority were led to the college by Satan, as men,"unawares brought in"(Gal.2:4). Many of these feigned humility by cleaning toilets, picking up litter from around the college and licking the boots of Dr. Meredith, Raymond McNair and Herman Hoeh.

After three years of attending lectures and the graduate spokesman club, the practiced flatterers among them were immediately ordained and sent out to shepherd churches, without any knowledge of the position, integration and function of the ministry within the body of Christ.  Not a single individual among them understood, and that included Dr. Meredith, that the subject of the Chosen Vessel's second Epistle to the Corinthians is primarily concerned with the integration, position and function of ministry within the body of Christ, which is his church. So when the Chosen Vessel wrote: "So then death works in us, but life in you."  That means the ministers, through suffering, are laying down their lives for the brethren.

But the policy in WCG was to hide the church from the world, by fronting it with Ambassador College, because the ministry feared persecution, so they were never reviled, beaten, imprisoned or even had a cup of cold water thrown over them for Jesus's sake.  Therefore, they followed Jesus without carrying the cross of suffering.  They could never identify with the Apostles of Jesus Christ, or the Chosen Vessel, when he was inspired to write: "We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; perplexed, but in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body"(2 Cor.4:8-10).

Not a single WCG hireling, that was called a minister of Christ, could identify with those inspired words.  They had salaries, cars. houses, expense accounts, the best accommodations at the Feast of Tabernacles (like the Pharisees) and sycophantic men and women who wanted to be deacons and deaconess licking their boots.  But everyone of them will rot in hell, for they don't know the terror of the Lord(2 Cor,4:11).

Then he added: "We having the same spirit of faith:"  "The same spirit of faith," as who?  If you can't answer that question, you are not a minister of Jesus Christ. The narrative continues thus: "according as it is written, I believe, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak"(2 Cor.2:12-13).  "I believe?"  Who is the "I" that believe?  If you cannot answer that question, you are not a minister of Jesus Christ. What about "we also believe, and therefore speak?"  If you can't answer that question, it means you lack understanding, and therefore have no right to speak.

Yet, the egotistical  men and women who attended AC think, to this day, that they understand the bible, and are superior to those that did not have the dubious "honour" of cleaning toilets, picking up litter and licking the boots of Dr. Meredith, Raymond McNair and Dr. Hoeh.

But God's faithful children, like Mary and the Apostles, are being educated at the feet of Jesus.  He was born in stables, and probably didn't own the donkey he rode into Jerusalem.


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