Thursday, 30 September 2021

Who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?

No doubt the hirelings are back from a holiday, which they called The Feast of Tabernacles. Yet, even in WCG, under Mr Armstrong's dispensation, the Holy days of God were never truly understood.  So now that Satan has completely deceived the hirelings, and their docile laity, how on earth can they be expected to understand the meaning of God's Holy days?


Of course, the Last Great Gay is a day of judgment, when God will reveal who will enter his kingdom.  I am therefore reminded of the disciples question to Jesus thus: "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven"(Matt.18:1)? Jesus answered the question thus: "And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in midst of them, and said, truly I say unto you, except you be converted, and become as a little child, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven"(Matt.18:2-3).

Does Jesus's reply answers the question, that the disciple asked him? It certainly does, but the answer can only be understood by those to whom it given to understand the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. That rules out all of the hirelings that were in WCG, and are now in all the divided groups, scattered around the world.

However, remember, Jesus is answering the question, "who is greatest in the kingdom?" But before he fully answers that question, he focused on what one has to first do to get into kingdom, before any consideration can be given to whether one will be the least or the greatest. For if one is outside of the kingdom, the question for that person is irrelevant.

Jesus began his two part answer thus: "except you be converted, and become as a little child, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven."  What does it mean to be converted, and what is the process that leads to conversion?


To continued


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