Saturday, 22 January 2022

Famine Stalkes the Land

 The prophecies of Matthew 24 are like a gathering storm, as their fulfillment come to pass. The first four prophecies of Matthew 24 outlined the same events of the four horsemen of Revelation.  The first horse, that symbolised false religion, has been rampaging around the world with great zeal, ever since God spewed WCG out of his mouth.

The prophecised false teachers (2 Pet.2:1), that were hiding in WCG, have broken forth to start their own churches, to preach heresy and make merchandise of docile congregations.  We have UCG, now under the control of Victor Kubic, a man with no knowledge of the bible. We also, have David Hulme, a man with more vanity than ability in any subject.  Although he thinks that psychology is God's gift to humanity.  People like Dave Havir, David Pack and Jerry Flurry are so mentally ill, one wonders how such wicked minds can sustain their broken bodies.

Still, all of these evil men and their deluded supporters have got some frightful surprises coming.  They have no knowledge of the terror of the Lord(2 Cor.5:11).

Of course, COVID is a minor disease, even though it has killed millions of people around the world, while  the gods of science say, they are fighting it with useless vaccines.

However, the next prophecy to be fulfilled is famine.  The pale horse of Revelation.  Note the prophecy of God Almighty to Joel thus: "Hear this you old men, and give ear all you inhabitants of the land...


To be continued




Democracy has been exalted, especially in the west, as the greatest form of government ever invented. In some countries it has been elevated...