Wednesday, 20 July 2022

Bar Mitzvah

I have torn myself away from studying and meditating upon the disasters that will overwhelm humanity, as the end of the world draws closer, to briefly examine another doctrine, which was never considered in WCG, furthermore understood.

It is the doctrine of Bar Mitzvah, which is defined as: "the initiation ceremony of a Jewish boy who has reached the age of 13 and is regarded as ready to observe religious precepts and eligible to take part in public worship." It was around this age that Jesus was in the temple having a discussion with the so-called doctors of the law (Luke 2:46-47). Also, the girl that Jesus raised from the dead was 12 years old (Mark 8:42). Why was her age revealed?

These astonishing, sublime truths, called in Jewish tradition, Bar Mitzvah, are to help Christian parents to know if their children are holy unto the Lord of not.  For it is said, "every child that opens the womb is holy unto the Lord"  And Paul in explaining marriage, and its sanctity, states that children born to christian parents, even if only one is converted, are holy (1 Cor.7:14).

Therefore, if by age 12 to 13 your children did not show an interest in the bible, by reading and asking questions, you were not converted. I don't care who you are, or how important you think you are.  The question is, if your children are holy unto the Lord, where are they?

During my 22 years attending services in WCG, I often heard hirelings lamenting the fact that their wives were pregnant with a third child, and a fourth was a nightmare, that had slipped through the contraceptive net.  Yet, these were the same evil men that stood up and sang Psalm 127 thus: "Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord; and the fruit of the womb is his reward. Happy is the man that has his quiver full of them."(Ps.127:3-4).

Well, if you are a converted Christian, where is God's heritage and rewards? No wonder the hirelings and many of their docile, deluded followers are unhappy, because you and they don't have quivers full of children, which is a requirement for happiness  Actually, you don't even have quivers.  The day you all got married, you tossed the quivers away, and replaced them with condoms and the contraceptive pill.

DOUBLY Shocking!!! 

Google informed me that there were many attempts to hack into my blog. I suspect the hackers are working on behalf of the hirelings or some other organisation that thinks I am a threat to democratic capitalism and western hegemony, because my comments on Facebook don't dance to the drum beat of NATO.

As a true Christian, I am above the intrigues of politics.  But I am command by Jesus to speak the truth.  And of course, the Chosen Vessel was inspired to ask: "Have I become your enemy, because I tell you the truth."

Well, God says, "you that make mention of the Lord, keep not silence"(Isaiah 62:6). So no one, however insane he or she might be, will be able to silence me.

However, the covert authorities, that hate the truth, might plan a drone strike against me, but even that will fail.  For God says, "No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper..."(Isaiah 54:17).


Saturday, 9 July 2022

The Second Woe.

The second woe begins with the blowing of the sixth trumpet, and the released of the four angels that are bound in great river Euphrates (Rev.9:13-14).  This army that will kill a third of the world's population, is a prelude to the army that will fight the battle of Armageddon. 

At the same time, the EU will become the beast power, which is the prophesied revival of the Holy Roman Empire, with five nations in the east and five in the west governing the Empire.The beast, supported by the false prophet, will introduce the mark of the beast, which will be accepted by everyone who is not a true Christian.

By then, Britain and America will have been reduced to poverty and destitution, and being ravaged by storms, earthquakes and diseases, as a result of decadence and depravity.  America and Britain have led the world in legalising homosexuality, lesbianism, the right of women to kill their unborn babies and elevating living together to the same status as marriage.

Yet, God says, "they that commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them" (Rom.1:32).  So all those who love their music, and enjoy their jokes are also worthy of death.

Of course, 85% of all the children born in America and Britain are born out of wedlock.  In some cases, the situation is so sordid, that some women have three or four children from different men.  These children have no future.  For God says, "A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of Lord; even unto the tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord (Deut.23:2). These children have no hope of salvation. 


To be continued.


Democracy has been exalted, especially in the west, as the greatest form of government ever invented. In some countries it has been elevated...