Saturday, 23 December 2023

The Reformation

It was at the time of reformation (Heb.9:10), that the bond woman was cast out. The covenant that was made with the bond woman, and her son, was implemented 430 (Gal.3:16-17) years after God made the promise to Abraham and his son, who was born from the free woman, Sarah.

So we learned that the old covenant was abolished at the reformation, and was replaced with the new covenant, where the laws of God are written in the hearts of his spiritual children(Heb.8:10), and Jesus is their High Priest, according to the order of Melchisedec(Heb.7:11-13).

The reformation, of course, began with the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus, as high priest, into the Holy of Holies, in  heaven: where he  offered himself, without spot to God, for the redemption of God's elect; and the reformation was fulfilled on the first Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was given, and the new covenant was implemented in the church.

At that time, the twelve tribes of Israel, represented by the bond woman and her son, who was born according to the flesh, were cast out. The Chosen Vessel was inspired to explain this sublime, recondite mystery, and he said: "That is, they which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God(Rom.9:8).

The misconception that was preached in WCG for years, and was perceived as a status of superiority over other people, was the belief that the physical descendance of Abraham were the people of God. They are the children of Abraham, but not the children of God. The Chosen Vessel was inspired to write: "For as many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God(Rom.8:14). Then he added, "And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ...(verse 17).

What does the allegory say, "Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman (Gal.4:30). And again, Paul added: "We are not children of the bondwoman, of the free (verse 31).

The "we" refers to converted Christians, that are led by the spirit of God. They mother is the heavenly Jerusalem, the wife of Christ. And that is a very great mystery (Eph.5:32).

Hence, Paul's lamentation over the perishing of his kinsmen, according to the flesh (Rom.9:1-3).

No wonder King Solomon was inspired to write: "He that increases knowledge, increases sorrow." For he knows things that others don't know, and that knowledge can be very painful. Think of Noah building the Ark, and warning the people that the flood was coming, and he was ignored by everyone. Today, the same is true.

Sadly, the epistles of Paul were sealed documents in WCG. That is because the men who were ordained ministers were unconverted, and therefore, they never received the gift of the holy spirit of truth, which guides God's people into all truth (John 16:13).

Saturday, 9 December 2023

Cast out the bond woman

Ever since the attack on Israel by Hamas on the 7th October, the last great day of the feast of tabernacles, a cabal of self appointed prophets have emerged, claiming to understand the attack, and how it relates to the prophecies that explain the return of Jesus. So far, all that they have preached is an indication of pure ignorance of the word of God.

Where was God?

However, the question they have failed to ask is, where was God when Hamas was planning the attack? Do these deceivers believe that God was asleep, and was just as surprised by the attack as Israel was? Perish the thought. For Jesus emphasising God's knowledge and control of his creation says, "Two sparrows are sold for a penny, yet not one falls to the ground, without the knowledge of my father." And that is not only true of sparrows, it is true of every creature on earth. So God was well aware that Hamas was planning to attack Israel. Why didn't he prevent the attack? 

People might be surprised to discover, I almost said to learn, that God was the cause of the attack. Note the ispired words of king Solomon thus: The Lord has made all things for himself; yes, even the wicked for the day of evil" (Pro.16:4). Why did God caused that day of evil to come upon Israel? For it could not have occurred, if it was not his will.

The Last Great Day

The last great day of the Feast of Tabernacles is a day of judgment, and it mirrors the day of Pentecost. On the last great day of the feast Jesus gave a sermon, and he said: "If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believes on me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water."(John 7:38). And John tells us, that Jesus was referring to the gift of the Holy Spirit, which was given on the day of Pentecost. 

A day of judgment

Pentecost mirrors the last great day, which is the day of judgment. Hence Jesus's sermon on the last great day. Those that receive the gift of the holy spirit will be saved, to share the eternal inheritance with Christ. But the son of the bond woman, the allegory informs us, shall not be hier with the son of the free woman. The son of the bond woman was born according to the flesh, but the son of the free woman was born by promise.

Now if reports are to be believed, on the 7th October, the last great day, a large number of young people were out listing to music and reveling. The bible says that revellers will not be in the kingdom of God (Gal.5:20-21).

Jesus's betrayal  

And second, the consequences of the betrayal of Jesus by Caiaphas, the high priest. Plus, the frightful curse all the people called down upon themselves, by saying, "His blood be on us, and on our children"(Matt.27:25). And it has been, and will be, until the bond woman has been completely cast out.

The prophecy of the destruction of Jerusalem, and the beginning of the casting out of the bond woman, is embedded in the dual prophecy of Matthew twenty four. The first fulfillment of the duality was the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD by the Roman general Titus. The final destruction of Jerusalem and the casting of the bond woman will be initiated by the beast power, and brought to fulfillment by the battle of Armageddon.



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