Monday, 22 December 2008

Abraham's Bosom or the Grave

The death Dr Samuele Bacchiocchi will no doubt solicit glowing tributes from the misguided. But those who recognised his writings as heretical, will not lament his passing.

The doctor burst on to the scene in 1995, with the sole purpose of selling his baneful books to misguided and vulnerable people, seeking to escape the spiritual poison Tkach was feeding them. In fact, the doctor was like a vulture, hovering to pick at the dead carcasses of the wicked! And there were and are plenty to pick at!

Will the doctor be taken by the angels into Abraham's bosom, or will he be berried like the rich man? A question that should send chills down the spines of the hirelings in cog-land!

However, the question now is: who is next?

Richard, if you are still alive, I am at Mizpah until desolation overspreads the land!


Robert said...

People will go to their graves with many different opinions. Some will have believed and died in a Monday pentecost. Others will go to the grave having observed a Sunday pentecost. Some will have always observed the Hebrew calendars, others died using a combinations of calendars. Some may have been staunch tithers, others only believed in offerings.

What is God going to do?

All of these people believed in Him, obeyed the Sabbath and strived to keep the commandment according to what they believed to be true.

It is this, that God is going to judge us, our honest attempt to live by the truth within the perimeters of His law.

This means many people will be in the Kingdom having believed all manner of crazy ideas but their times of ignorance, God will overlook for their faith.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes you were coerced to come to services under HWA. If you didn't come, your minister would be giving you a phone call as to why?
I know of some who requested tapes (after tapes were allowed to be made) of the Sabbath services because of having such long drives(some were 3-4 hour drives in the old days).
They were told that not attending was a sign of lack of zeal, and being lazy.

Tom Mahon said...

Anonymous said...

>>Oh yes you were coerced to come to services under HWA. If you didn't come, your minister would be giving you a phone call as to why?<<

I was never coerced by anyone to attend services. I was so committed to attending services, that I even attended with a cold, when I should have stayed at home. My maxim was: "If I was going to die, services might be the best place for it to happen."

However, some ministers would contact absent members to find out if all was well, especially if the members didn't have the courtesy to advise the minister or the deacon why they were away from services. Any caring minister should be concerned, if members of his congregation are missing from services. But being concerned is not the same as coercion.

Missing services without good reason is always a sign that Satan is in the process of leading the absentees captive, and they are too ashamed to fellowship with their faithful brethren.

Anonymous said...

Tom I feel sorry for you. Why don't make a three day fast and ask God to clean your heart and mind and give you right knowelege of His way. You are too full of hate and bitterness

Tom Mahon said...

Tom Mahon said...

Anonymous said...

>>Tom I feel sorry for you.<<

I don't know what has led you to jump to this act of sorrow, but feeling sorry for me is not an argument in defence of your assertions.

BTW, fasting is a private matter between God and his children.

Anonymous said...

Tom said, "Richard, if you are still alive, I am at Mizpah until desolation overspreads the land!"

MY COMMENT - I am still alive and doing fine. While you are at Mizpah, I hope you have a Pizza until the glorious creation and all its beauty overspreads the land.



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