Thursday, 28 May 2009

Pentecost, A Day of Judgment.

As we approach the day of Pentecost, many of the churches that were formed since the break up of WCG will be preparing to celebrate the day as the "the birthday of the church." And the hirelings that now operate out of UCG, PCG, LCG, RCG, COG-Hulme and all the other divided splinter groups, will be preparing sermons entitled, "The Meaning of the Day." This approach is not surprising, for they inherited it as a tradition from WCG.

But does God require or has he asked his children to celebrate the birthday of the church? The answer to this question will surprise many! And I defy anyone to prove to me that Pentecost is a celebration of the birth of the church!

On the contrary, Pentecost is a day or a period of judgment, as it mirrors The Last Great Day, which follows the Feast of Tabernacles, which is also a period of judgment. Pentecost begins that period of time, which is summed up in the phrase, "now is the day of salvation". It is during this time that the prophecy given to Moses is being fulfilled. For God told Moses: "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion"(Romans.9:15). That act of mercy and compassion began on the day of Pentecost, with the gift of the Holy Spirit being given to God's elect.

So when Jesus stood up on the The last Great Day of the Feast, and spoke thus: John 7:37-39. His sermon was about what would happen on Pentecost and beyond, as God began to call "the vessels of mercy" to salvation, and reject "the vessels of wrath"(Romans 9:22-24).


Robert said...

What happens Tom when the hireling is HWA himself? He preached against the Catholics but the June 1974 Good News magazine confirms he received a humanitarian scholarship from Angeles University, a Catholic institution no less!
He attended a meeting with the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic fraternal society no less! He later dined with them at the time that he preached from the pulpit that they were the "whore of babylon".

Suffice to say, the hireling was HWA! He was the "foolish" Shepherd that God promised to send to His people (Zechariah 11:15).

Anonymous said...

Are you denying what Mr Armstrong taught about Pentecost? When people cut themselves off the vine they loose spiritual vision and begin to make up their own version of God,s word. This what's happening with you Tom. Wake up brother wake up.

Tom Mahon said...

Anonymous said...

>>Are you denying what Mr Armstrong taught about Pentecost?<<

You have to remind me what he taught, I am posting what the bible teaches.

>>Wake up brother wake up.<<

Well, if you are awake, then I am asleep.

Tom Mahon said...

Robert said...

>>Suffice to say, the hireling was HWA! He was the "foolish" Shepherd that God promised to send to His people (Zechariah 11:15).<<

The "foolish shepherd" may indeed apply to HWA, but there is no evidence that he was "in it" just for the money. If that was the case, he would have had millions of dollars stashed away in various bank accounts, and Joe junior would now be penniless.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You really lost your way. What event made you so bitter against the Church? Sounds like you lost your friends and your identity when the social club broke up. But, God's church is not a social club. Maybe its because you want to be a prophet in your own rite. Its sad that so many have gone this way.

Anonymous said...


Ran across your name on Ambassador Watch. Brought back memories from 14 years ago and the old CompuServe WCG forum where we used to discuss things. Doesn't seem like you've changed a bit since then - at least not in your arguments or approach.

I'm still observing the 7th day Sabbath and many of the distinctive doctrines like the HD's etc. Of course, a few things have changed for me. For example, I've been fellowshipping with those of a Protestant megachurch for several years. The CoGs still have lots to learn, but I'm certain that a good part will eventually get it.

Blessings (as Wilf would say)

Ron S.

Tom Mahon said...

Ron S said...

>>Ran across your name on Ambassador Watch. Brought back memories from 14 years ago and the old CompuServe WCG forum where we used to discuss things. Doesn't seem like you've changed a bit since then - at least not in your arguments or approach.<<

It is a delight to hear from you, Ron. You are absolutely right! Nothing has changed, apart from the fact I am getting older, and hopefully much wiser.

I don't know what has happened to most of the other forum members, but I suspect that some are still around trying to make sense of their religious experiences.

Of course I still keep all of the HDs, including the FOT, exclusively with my family. But during the Feast I tend to bump into WCG members, who are completely insane.

>>Of course, a few things have changed for me. For example, I've been fellowshipping with those of a Protestant megachurch for several years.<<

I believe you mentioned something similar before. But if I remember correctly, you were attending a "black church." Well, in the confusion, people have been pulled in many different directions, but I still believe that HWA was a genuine minister of God's one true church, so I will not be attending with any other group, however zealous or enthusiastic they might be.

Still, I hope all is well with you and family? If from time to time you look in on my blog, as I often said, you might learn something.(G)

Peace to you!

Anonymous said...

Do you believe that all the scriptures were inspired by God and that we should live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God? If you do then what do you do about Hebrews 10:24-25--Let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works not forsaking the assembling of ourselves, as is the manner of some but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the Day approaching and the many more scriptures like it?

Anonymous said...

After reading the last two comments I have to you this Tom is the church that Christ built dead?

Michael said...

Proof texts for your statement that Pentecost is judgement day?
You offer only an opinion no proof.

Tom Mahon said...

Michael said...

>>Proof texts for your statement that Pentecost is judgement day?<<

Judgement day? A period of judgment is what I said. If you read paragraphs 3 and 4 of what said, the basic proof is there. Perhaps you need to read it again and then comment on the texts I quoted?


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