Tuesday, 13 October 2009

The Delusion of Universal Salvation

During the Feast of Tabernacles, which neither The Worldwide Church of God nor Grace Communion International no longer celebrate, I picked up a booklet by J. Michael Feazell entitled, Predestination – Does God Let You Choose your Own Fate?

Feazell erects a number of “straw men” arguments by quoting selected texts from Calvin and Aristotle and then proceeded to set fire to them, in a vain attempt to disprove the doctrine of predestination. Feazell glosses over Romans chapters 9-11 and Ephesians 1-3, but did not refer to the allegory of Galatians 4:21-31 or attempted to explain why God choose Jacob over Esau, before they were born, even though none had done any good or evil(Romans. 9:11).

Feazell concluded that because Christ died for the sin of the world salvation is available to everyone. All they have to do is believe in the atoning sacrifice of Christ. But even here, Feazell does not emphasise that belief or faith in Christ is demonstrated by obedience to the laws of God, including the fourth commandment, which says, remember the Sabbath, to keep it holy.

Of course, to genuine Christians, Feazell’s tendentious but flawed exegesis of Paul’s exposition of the doctrine of predestination is not surprising. For Feazell was one of the pirates who hijacked WCG and shipwrecked it on the rocks of Protestantism.

Nevertheless, the Lord knows those that are his, and none of them will ever be deceived by the subtle ranting of deluded men.


Anonymous said...

God in heaven made the earth – isn’t God so good!
and on the earth he made the seas – isn’t God so good!
With a big wave here, and a big wave there,
Let’s go surfing on this wave!
God in heaven made the earth – isn’t God so good!

God in heaven made the earth – isn’t God so good!
and on the earth he made the hills – isn’t God so good!
with a big hill here and a big hill there,
Let’s go skiing down this hill!
God in heaven made the earth – isn’t God so good!

God in heaven made the earth – isn’t God so good!
and on the earth he made the snow – isn’t God so good!
With a big pile here, and a big pile there,
Let’s make a snowman from this pile!
God in heaven made the earth – isn’t God so good!

God in heaven made the earth – isn’t God so good!
And on this earth he made the people – isn’t God so good!
With a little boy here and little girl there,
Here a mom, there a dad,
Let’s hug the people that we love!
God in heaven made the earth – isn’t God so good!

Questeruk said...

Just how many do you think will be ultimately saved?

Will it eventually be most, or a very tiny number?

Tom Mahon said...

Questeruk asked...

>>Just how many do you think will be ultimately saved?

Will it eventually be most, or a very tiny number?<<

What I think doesn't matter, it is what God has revealed that counts. Jesus was asked: "Lord, are there few that be saved?"(Luke 13:23).

And Jesus replied: "Strive to enter in at the straight gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able"(Luke 13:24).

In view of Jesus' reply, all we have to do is put to ourselves the question, how many does the bible say will enter in at the straight gate? Now if we turn to Matt.7:13, and read what is says, there is our answer.

So you see my dear Q, what you or I think, if it is not inspired by the Holy Spirit, is completely irrelevant. Don't you just love the beauty that is contained in the scriptures?


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