Sunday, 28 August 2011

The Victory Is Not Mine.

I have been very busy wrestling with the devil and his demons!  They have launched a series of multifarious attacks against me, using various people and stratagems.  For as the Chosen Vessel was inspired to write: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places(Eph. 6:12).  So my real enemies are not people, who are flesh and blood.  But Satan uses people to foolishly attack God’s children.
Of course, I don’t fight my own battles.  If I did, I would be defeated by Satan’s assaults.  But instead of defeat, I am assured of victory thus: “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world”( 1 John 4:4).  Jesus, who lives his life of victory over the devil and his demons (Colossians. 2:15) in God’s children, has clothes them in the armour of God, so that they can withstand all “the wiles of the devil”(Eph. 6:11).
But when the victory is achieved, we must not commend ourselves, for Jesus says: “For without me you can do nothing”(John 15:5).  Internalising the precept, “for without me you can do nothing,” is the basis of humility.  For Christians have no merit of their own!  Their successes, as one might call them, are granted to them by the grace of God, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
However, I well aware that many former members of The worldwide Church of God are experiencing a host of problems!  But these problems are not the result of living a life of obedience to the wholesome teaches of the bible.  In other words, they are not being persecuted for righteousness! On the contrary, they are suffering because they are like dogs that have returned to their own vomit(2 Peter 2:22).

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