Thursday, 3 October 2019

The Red Horse of the Apocalypse.

The second horse of the Apocalypse is a red horse, draped in blood, and "there was given unto him a great sword," and "power was given unto him to take peace from the earth"(Rev.6:4).

This horse is already galloping throughout the world, taking peace from the earth.  We have America at war with North Korea, Iran, Russia, China, Venezuela and the EU.  At the moment, the conflict is in the form of sanctions and abuse, but it will eventually lead to war!  Not to mention the ongoing wars in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.  

But apart from nations against nations, and kingdoms against kingdoms, we have wars in the homes of all people.  Children against parents, and defiant, stubborn rebellious and wives against their husbands.  We also have wars in schools, colleges and universities. And some are living next to neighbours from hell.  Our villages, towns and cities are filled with violence, as foretold by Jesus in Matthew twenty four.

What is more appalling, we have wars among people claiming to be servants of God, and ministers of Jesus Christ. These are at war over money, as they seek to continue robbing docile, deluded, deceived people of their money.  These will be cast into outer darkness, forever!

Peace has certainly been taken from the earth, and this is just the beginning of sorrows!  Pray that you don't live to see what is yet to come?

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Democracy has been exalted, especially in the west, as the greatest form of government ever invented. In some countries it has been elevated...