Monday, 16 March 2020

Spiritual Blindness.

The coronavirus, like almost everything else, has exposed man's inability to deal with the crises that will certainly overwhelm him.  It is very evident that no one knows how to respond or cope with the virus.  The pseudo science, that underpins the virus research, is as about as reliable as the ramblings of Mystic Meg; and the so-called health experts, are making up responses as they go along.

Of course, none of the confusion surprises true Christians.  For they are aware of the inspired words of the prophet Isaiah thus: We grope for the wall like the blind, and we grope as if we had no eyes: we stumble at noon day as in the night; we are in desolate places as dead men"(Isaiah 59:10). 

What does the prophecy mean? It says, "we grope as if we had no eyes." Which means, we do have eyes but are unable to see.  Of course, God is not referring to the eyes in their heads; he is referring to the eyes of their understanding (Eph.1:18), that were closed by sin and wickedness. The narrative continues, "we stumble at noon day."  The sun is shining, but we still can't see where to place our feet. The light of God's truth is every where, but we can't see it, because we are spiritually blind. Then the narrative concludes: "we are in desolate places as dead men." That means, we are physically alive, but spiritually dead(Eph.2:1). The wages of sin is death (Rom.6:23). We first die spiritually, and then physically, unless God has mercy on us, and raise us from the dead through repentance, baptism and the gift of the holy spirit.

Therefore, no one has the faintest idea what to do about the problems that continue to overwhelm us, and will certainly bring about our destruction. The Coronavirus maybe no more that a prelude to the pestilence that are yet to come.

But despite the confusion and madness in the world, God's faithful children can be assured of his protection.


Pope Francis said...

Bless you my son

Tom Mahon said...

Thank you Papa

Kalorie Bear said...

Hi Tom.

You state: The pseudo science, that underpins the virus research, is as about as reliable as the ramblings of Mystic Meg

I think this is an insult to Mystic Meg. :))

Maureen McNab.

Tom Mahon said...

Hi Maureen

What a pleasant surprise to hear from you. I hope all is well with you, and "the better half?" -:)

However, in retrospect, I do agree with you, that I have insulted Mystic Meg.

Maureen said...

Hi Tom.

Just read your reply. Apologies for not checking.

Me and “the better half” and our son are all doing well. Thanks for asking.

We are continuing in the faith — as we note you are.

Wishing you and yours a happy and profitable Sabbath and Holy Day Season.

Maureen. 😊

Tom Mahon said...

I am pleased that the family are well. Your son must now a grown man!

On Friday I am off to Paignton for the Feast, for seven days of sanctification.

Sadly, the Holy days were not fully understood in WCG. But on reflection, that is not surprising, as the emphasis was on material prosperity, which blinds people to spiritual understanding.

Kalorie Bear said...

Hi Tom.

Just “caught up” with your latest post.

Our son is almost 38 years old now. He was baptised about 11 years ago and is a great help with a lot of the graphics and technical stuff for our YouTube channel. Hope your children are all doing well too.

We had a good Feast. We also “built” a temporary booth in our garden.

Jamie preached every day and the messages were recorded and saved for our YouTube viewers who can’t attend a site next year. We posted last year’s Feast messages to our YouTube channel for those who couldn’t attend this year. We have been doing this for at least the last 10 years (although audio only for most of those years).

3 John 1:2
2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

Bye for now. ��

Tom Mahon said...

Your son is 38 years old? Can you believe it?

The children are all physically well, but as we wrestle not against flesh and blood,but against spiritual wickedness, they have a war on their hands. But with God's help, it will be won.

As usual, I was in Paignton for the Feast. There were some restrictions because of COVID, but it was a time of peace and refreshing from the Lord.

Of course, I don't services with any group. I meet with some of my family for sabbath services and the Feast.

I note you did not say with which group you attend?

Kalorie Bear said...

Hi Tom.

Just caught up with your last post.

We don’t attend with any groups — which one would you choose? They all claim to have “That Prophet” — or they are “the one and only real true Church” or ... or ... or! You choose — money or power! Not good. We were with Mr Flurry and the PCG way back in the early 90s until about 98 and then joined with a couple of other ex PCG ministers in America for a few years. We still have brethren from those groups listen in to our YouTube message on the Sabbath. And one of those ministers has been translating my hubby’s messages into Spanish for Spanish-speaking brethren in North and South America — a few here and a few there for the Holy Days. There are a group in Chile that listen in regularly.

As mentioned in my last post on November 5 — we have a YouTube channel and Jamie gives a Bible Study/Sermon message every week. This goes out live as a video every Sabbath and ... after services ... the message is formatted and then put up “permanently” on YouTube with Bible Notes to go with the message. I type those and convert them to a pdf format for,people to download if they want them.

Jamie has been preaching probably almost every week for over 20 years now — originally on our website with live audio streaming and live teleconferencing using companies in America. We stopped that about 18 months ago when we switched to YouTube.

Other than that ... we are “home alone”.

I found an old telephone number out for you. Are you still on that number? I don’t like to give too many personal details on an open forum such as this. I see some of the verbal abuse you get from so-called Christians.

It is very easy for “unseen people” to write rude and unseemly stuff these days — knowing that they are free to do so without any consequences (in this lifetime).

Hope to catch up with you soon.

Maureen. ��


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