Saturday, 31 July 2021

The Hirelings Are At It Again.

The enemies of the truth have had my link on The Journal disabled, thinking that people won't be able to read what God has to say about the hireling ministry that presided over WCG.  That decision, and the idiotic thought behind them, are clear indications that the hireling ministry never understood that God is in charge of the world, and everything that happens. My blog will be read by people God leads to read it

It was scripted in eternity that I would write this blog, exposing the evils of the current and former WCG ministry, who were and are ignorant of the wholesome teachings of Jesus Christ. Not a single one of them understood or understands the doctrine of grace, the first resurrection, the meaning of the Allegory of Galatians 4:21-31, the analogy of (Romans 7:1-3), or why a serpent was in the garden of Eden, and not a lion, even though both creatures are liken to the devil.

However, most of the ministers that were and are opposed to me are either dead, or crippled with incurable diseases, and Jesus will not heal them, no matter how much they cry for help! Although I doubt they will ask Jesus for healing.  They prefer the useless drugs, with their destructive side effects, prescribed by doctors! The gods of science are now their useless saviours. 

Dixon Cartwright refused to publish my comments, pointing out that Wayne Cole supported Garner Ted and Ron Dart in attacking Mr Armstrong. He said that Wayne Cole is his friend.  With friends like Wayne Cole and Ron Dart, who needs enemies? Still, I suspect that Dixon and Wayne are now dead, or close to death. Their fate will be the same as rich man.

However, we still have a stack of hirelings who are barely still alive!  But in the next decade, they will wish that they had never been born!


After the above post a rash of hirelings descended from their towers of vanity to read my blog.  Later the phones were ringing to the point of annoyance, as they ask one another, what is the meaning of the allegory, and why was a serpent in garden of Eden, and not a lion?

I could tell them, but Jesus says, "cast not pearls before swine, less they trample them under their feet, and turn around and rend you."

Instead, I just fall about laughing at the hirelings, with that divine laughter, that laughs at the folly and destruction of the wicked. Elijah laughed at the false prophets Baal, and David said: "The righteous shall see, and fear, and laugh at them"(Ps.52:6). Job also says, "The righteous see it, and are glad: and the innocent laugh them to scorn"(Job 22:19). And of course, God says, I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when you fear comes"(Pro.1:26).


I said I could explain to the hirelings the meaning of the Galatians's Allegory, and the analogy of Romans chapter seven.  But on reflection, they won't be able to understand either the allegory or the analogy.  

In addition, to understand why a serpent was in the Garden of Eden, one's soul would have had to be purified by obeying the truth (1 Pet.1:22). This mystery is too deep to be understood by people, who are not at peace with God.

Note the Chosen Vessel's opening phrase in parentheses thus: "For I speak to them that know the law," and his opening question to the Galatians's allegory is very similar thus: "Do you not hear the law?"

Those two passages clearly state, that if one doesn't hear the law, that is, understands its purpose and how it works, one cannot understand the allegory or the analogy.  For the Chosen Vessel says, "for I speak to them that know the law"(Rom.7:1). If you don't know the law, that is, understand the law, he is not speaking to you.


To continued


CJ said...

Your full of yourself. Extremely narcissistic.
Pride comes before a fall.

Tom Mahon said...

C J is not a name. It is a label that you hide behind. Why are you terrified to say who you are? Are you afraid that the hireling minister, who presides over the heresy you attend will disfellowship you?

However, instead of telling how full I am, why didn't you prove me wrong by either explaining the Galatians's allegory or why a serpent was in the Garden of Eden?


Democracy has been exalted, especially in the west, as the greatest form of government ever invented. In some countries it has been elevated...