Tuesday, 29 March 2022

The Spirit of God and of Glory

The hirelings and their deluded, docile laity have launched a sustain attack against me, because I have exposed their deceitfulness, covetousness, duplicity and lust for money and power.  They have conspired to get my blog's link on The Journal disabled, thinking that would silence me or less people would read my blog.  They are sadly mistaken.

Instead of silencing me, they are confirming God's love for me. For Jesus says, "Blessed are you, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the son of man sake."  Rejoice you in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven"(Luke 6:22-23).

I met people in Paignton who told me that they were told not to talk to me.  They were obviously told to avoid me by the hireling ministry, that are acting as thieves and robbers in UCG, COG/Hulme, RCG, PCG, LCG, CGI, GCI, WCG and all the other deluded, divided groups, that worship the devil.

None of this surprises me, for during my 22 years attending WCG, most of the hirelings, if not all of them, were opposed to me.  Arthur Suckling, who was completely ignorant of the bible described me as "plucky," because he could not answer my questions.  David House, who must be screaming in the flames like the rich man, thought that God was opposed to black people.

As for Barry Bourne, who has to be in the same state as David House, he was a scheming politician. He kept phoning head office, stating he wanted to be a conduit from Tkach to the church.  But while he and I were in the car travelling to Desborough, in 1985, God revealed to me that he was scheming to be ordained a pastor.  He got it, and it killed him.

After the Tenby Feast of 1984, Ed Smith was given some time off to deal with a family matter. Graham Mitchell, that pompous man, was given the dubious task of informing the congregation not to contact Ed until further notice.

Someone in the congregation leapt to conclusion that Ed had done something wrong, and the person contacted Derrick Seaman, who in turn contacted Ed.  Ed naturally informed Barry.

The following Sabbath, during the announcements, Barry was furious, and berated the suspected person, and ended his comments by saying: "If you want to be in charge of the church, here are the keys for the car."

Being a unconverted hireling, the Sceptre of his authority over the church were the keys to the car. Doesn't it make one sick?

Contrast that materialistic, mad attitude with the Sceptre of Jesus's authority over the church, which is his kingdom (Heb.1:8-9).  A truly converted minister would have said, if you want to be in charge of the church, here is the bible!

In Birmingham, Barry, (or should that be, Mr Bourne, when the Chosen Vessel, with his sublime knowledge of the mysteries of God, Eph.3:2-5, was called Paul) was succeeded by Melvin Rhodes.  If the basic criteria for ordination had been observed, Melvin would never had been ordained a deacon, furthermore a minister. For he didn't know how disciple or control his children(1 Tim.3:4).

He certainly was not "apt to teach" or of good behaviour.  For he confessed that he punched a man who annoyed him at the airport (James 1:20).  Since then, he has been in all kinds of troubles with UCG.  A leopard cannot change its spots.

Melvin was succeeded by Andrew Silcox, who was and is a total disaster.  I was in London in 1985 when Mr Armstrong ordained him a minister, and said, he would be travelling to Pasadena to work in the Imperial School.

His ordination had to be an act of nepotism.  It certainly could not have been based on the criteria set out in the inspired texts. When the Chosen Vessel, Barnabas, teachers and prophets were at Antioch, ministering to the Lord, and fasted (fasted? Dr. Meredith once suggested that ministers should fast one day per month. Yet, the unconverted Pharisees, fasted two days every week), the Holy Spirit said, "separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work where unto I have called them"(Acts 13:1-3). 

Also, "from Miletus he sent to Ephesus, and called the elders of the church." And when they were come unto him...he rehearsed the labour of love he performed among them (Acts 20:17-27). Then he said: "take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he has purchased with his own blood"(Acts 20:28).


From these texts we learned, that the Holy Spirit chooses the ministry in the church of God, and the Holy Spirit cannot make a mistake and choose the wrong person.  

In the Chosen Vessel sublime, second epistle to the Corinthians, that teaching is made very clear to those who are able to understand spiritual matters.  The subjects of the epistle are:

1) The integration of the ministry within the church.

2) The ministers' position within the body of Christ.

3) The function of the ministry within the church.

The Apostle began to prove his office thus. The emphatic rhetorical questions are these:  "Do we begin again to commend ourselves? Or do need we, as some others, epistles of commendation to you, or letters of commendation from you? (2 Cor.3:1).

The hirelings that went AC had letters of commendation from the faculty, saying that they were ordained ministers of Christ. But did they have a letter of commendation from the Holy Spirit?

Note what the great Apostle goes on to say, "You are our epistle, written in our hearts, known and read of all men:" What does that mean?  How were they his epistle? I will first answer the question, how were they his epistle?  After a series of persecutions, Paul; arrived in Corinth, where he preached the gospel, and both Jews and Greeks were called and were baptised(Acts 18:8).

Then in a vision God told Paul to remain at Corinth, for he had many people in the city(Acts18:9-10).

So the phrase, "you are our epistle," means, your conversion is "the epistle" that proves we are ministers of Jesus Christ, and that was written in our hearts by the Holy Spirit(2 Cor.3:3).

The phrase, "known and read by all men," refers to all Christian men.


Therefore, all the hirelings that were ordained, were chosen by the devil.

Is anyone so deceived to believe that the Holy Spirit choose Andrew to be a minister?  If he had been chosen by the Holy Spirit, his ministry would not have been an abject failure. 

And today, instead of relying of the medical profession to help him hop around on one leg, he would have been perfectly healthy.  For God, who cannot lie, has promised to forgive his people their sins, and heal all their diseases (Ps.103:3).

Yet, as soon as people who think they belong to God get sick, they run to the doctor, as though God and Jesus are helpless.


To be continued.

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Democracy has been exalted, especially in the west, as the greatest form of government ever invented. In some countries it has been elevated...