Tuesday, 23 August 2022

The collape of Britain and America

Mr Armstrong, in his seminal book, The United States and Britain in prophecy, outlined the causes that would lead to the collapse of Britain and America.  

Today, those causes and effects are very evident to anyone who is not spiritually blind. America and Britain have led the world in legalising homosexuality, lesbianism, abortion and elevating living together to the status of marriage.

The prophet Isiah announces the collapse of both countries thus: Woe to the crown of pride, to the drunkards of Ephraim, whose glorious beauty is a fading flower..(Isaiah 28:1-2).

Both nations are so proud, they believe that they have been divinely ordained to tell the rest of the world how to live, when they have rejected the book that teaches people how to live godly lives.

Of course, the British are drunkards, including many of the men who once masqueraded as minister of Christ, but were ministers of Satan(2 Cor. 11:13-15). Every weekend, there are drunken fights outside pubs, football grounds, clubs and in many homes.  And thousands of men and women die every year of alcohol related diseases. The same is true in America, with minor exceptions.

Both countries are now bankrupt.  America has an estimated national debt of $30 trillion, and an annual borrowing requirement of over $700 billion.  Similarly, Britain has an estimated national debt of £2.7 trillion, and an annual borrowing requirement of around £200 billion. Most of the money is owed to China, Japan and Germany.  If this tragedy was scripted in Hollywood, most people would have fallen about laughing.

Furthermore, the leaders of both countries, and their so-called expert advisers, lack vision.  Yet, King Solomon was inspired to write: "where there is no vision, the people perish"(Pro. 29:18).  The question is, what is vision? The hirelings could have attempted to answer that question for the benefit of their docile, deluded congregations who are on the path to perish.

I could add much to this post, but there is no need.  For the hirelings are incapable of learning.  Plus Jesus said, "cast not your pearls before swine."

However, one would have to be spiritually blind or in denial of reality, not to see the collapse of Britain and America on the horizon.


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Democracy has been exalted, especially in the west, as the greatest form of government ever invented. In some countries it has been elevated...