Monday, 31 October 2022

Without Love, We Are Nothing,

 The Chosen Vessel, in his Epistle to the Ephesians was inspired to write five things that were true of the Gentiles:

1) They were uncircumcised.

2) They were without Christ.

3) They were strangers from the covenants of promise. 

4) They had no hope, and 

5) They were without God in the world (Eph.2:11-13).

One's condition could not be any more dreadful, and today, the same is true of over 95% of the current estimated 7.5 billion people on the earth. 

In contrast to the vast majority of people in the world, who are spiritually dead, including the majority of people who attended WCG, the saints at Ephesus were predestined to be called, called to be justified, justified to be glorified (Rom.8:29-30).

Of course, the Ephesian church was not established by Paul.  The text clearly indicates that the Ephesian church was founded by Apollos, who was born in Alexandria, and came to Ephesus, where he preached the gospel, only understanding the baptism of John the Baptist(Acts 18:24-25).

On a later visit to Ephesus, Paul asked the disciples, "Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed"(Acts.19:2). The Holy Spirit, which is the God of love, imparts the divine nature into the hearts of all converted Christians. The question that Paul posed to the disciples at Ephesus, needs to be answered by the vast majority of people who attended WCG.

The disciples replied, "We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Spirit." After Paul explained the difference of the baptism in Christ from the baptism of John, the twelve men were baptised again, and they received the Holy Spirit, which is the God of love. For John was inspired to write: "Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and everyone that loves is born of God, and knows God.  He that loves not knows not God, for God is love (1 John 4:7-8).

This passage of Scripture is so recondite and sublime, that without the Holy Spirit of love, it cannot be understood by the carnal mind.  For what does it mean to be "born of God ( John 1:12-13)?" 

I was going to answer that question, but unless one is converted, he would be as ignorant as Nicodemus, who didn't understand what it meant to be born again. Yet, he was a ruler in Israel, and asked Jesus, "How can these things be?"  And Jesus replied, "Are you a master of Israel, and know not these things(John 3: 10)?  That question needs to be answered by the cabal of hireling ministers that were in WCG, and are now fleecing docile, deluded people out of tithes and offerings.

They need to acknowledge their ignorance of the bible, and step down from being pretended masters in Israel.


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