Saturday, 4 March 2023

The Temple

Moses was admonished of God to make the tabernacle according to the pattern he had seen in the mountain. Later, the children of Israel donated lots of resources for the building of the tabernacle, and God gave Ehud the knowledge and skill to use the materials to build the tabernacle. When it was finished, it was consecrated, and four men, two at the front and two at back carried it by two poles, through four rings; two on either side of the tabernacle.

The details are very significant. For instants, who were the four men that carried it? But more importantly, what was the pattern that Moses saw in the mountain? A pattern of what (Ex.25:40; Acts 7:44; Heb.8:4-5)?

Years later, King David had a burning desire to build a temple for the Lord.  But because he was a man of war, that honour was given to his son, Solomon. But did Solomon, with all the knowledge and wisdom he had, know what was the pattern that Moses saw in the mountain?

The Sanctuary 

The sanctuary, represented in the allegory, by the bond woman, Hagar: it was from there that the first covenant was administered by the Levitical priests. The administration of the 24 courses, introduced by King David, was from the lighting of candles to the offering of sacrifices, for the sanctification of the flesh. Not the conscience (Heb.9:1-2).

The Levitical priests were not allowed into the Holy of Holies. That honour was reserved for the High Priest, on the day of Atonement (Lev16:1-20). Here again, the details are recondite and sublime; and the admonition is, "He that has ears to hear, let him hear what the spirit says unto the churches"(Rev.2:17).

However, a brief summary is, the sanctuary has been destroyed; the Levitical priesthood abolished and the bond woman and her children have been cast out. I appreciate that I haven't explain what was the pattern that Moses saw in the mountain, but I will come to that. Although, it is sad that, as we approach the end of the world, the men who claim to represent God don't understand the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven.

The Holy of Holies

The Holy of Holies was located behind the second veil, and it was this veil that was "rent in the midst" just before the death of Jesus (Luke 23:45). The rending of the veil revealed that access to the Holy of Holies was now being made manifest by the death and resurrection of Jesus. Access was not possible while the first tabernacle, that is, the sanctuary was still standing (Heb.9:7-8).

Of course, after Jesus's resurrection, he entered into the Holy of Holies, to offer himself a sacrifice, without spot, for the redemption of God's elect (Heb.9:11-12).

The pattern that Moses saw

The pattern that Moses saw was from inside the Holy of Holies. But what was it? At the Passover, after Jesus cast out those that were selling oxen, sheep and doves, he made a comment that appeared to his audience to be ridiculous. He said: "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up(John.2:19). His audience didn't understand what he was saying, but John was inspired to record, "He spoke of the temple of his body."

For the first time in the history of the world, Jesus revealed that the temple was a pattern of God reflected in the duality of the human body, which is the fulfillment of the plan he purposed in himself before the foundation of the world. The plan was, "Come let us make man in our own image, and in our likeness."

At a later date, Paul asked the Corinthians: "Know you not that you are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwells in you"(1 Cor.3:16)? With all the confusion that was in Corinth, some could have honestly said, "We didn't know that." Also, what about the thousands that attended WCG, and are now in GCI, UCG, LCG, COG/Hulme, RCG, PCG, COG/Dave Havir, are they temples of God?

In another passage, Paul shocked by the defilement that was in the church, responded with, "What? Know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, which is in you, which you have of God, and you are not your own"(1 Cor.6:19)? And again, (2Cor.6: 16).

Yet, despite all the rebukes and admonitions, people are still carnal.  In WCG, we had adultery, fornication, drunkenness and other sins too awful to mention.

The duality of man

The duality of man takes us back to the allegory of Galatians four, where it is written, "Abraham had two sons." God also has two sons, Adam and Jesus, and both of them are portrayed in the temple. Adam in the sanctuary, and Jesus in the Holy of Holies. Adam is an image of God, as all human beings are, who are born according to the flesh. But Jesus is of the spirit, He is "The likeness of his glory, and the express image of his person...(Heb.1;3).


Today, we have an army of men who claim that God has appointed them to preach the gospel. So one would expect these men to know, and be able to explain to their congregations, what was the pattern that Moses saw in the mountain?  Supposed that question was posed to the Chosen Vessel, by a member of the church at Ephesus? Do you think the Chosen Vessel would be blushing with the embarrassment of ignorance?

To be continued

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Democracy has been exalted, especially in the west, as the greatest form of government ever invented. In some countries it has been elevated...