Saturday, 4 November 2023

By The Will of God

 Kenneth S Wuest, in his Greek word studies of the epistle to the Ephesians, he described it as the epistle of the ascension, for it towards in the heavenly. He further observed that in the first three chapters, there isn't a single word of admonishment. The focus is solely on doctrine. For a man who didn't appear to be a converted Christian, his observations are profound.

Of course, Ephesus was a bastion of Christianity in Asia. When Paul was on his way to Jerusalem, from Miletus he sent and called the elder from the church at Ephesus, and he delivered to them one of the greatest speeches ever recorded. Also, Ephesus was the first church to which John was told  to send book of Revelation.

 However, years later, Paul is imprisoned in Rome, and from his prison cell, he is writing to God's elect in Ephesus.  He introduced himself thus: "Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the will of God, to the saints that are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus" (Eph.1:1).

Firstly, what is meant by the phrase, "By the will of God?" And who are "the faithful in Christ Jesus


The word Apostle, is unique to Christianity, and was divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit. Its derivation from Greek means to send. Apo, means away from, and stela, means to send. Therefore, Paul was sent to preach the gospel, represent the kingdom of God, educate and protect God's children of God from the deceptions of the devil. The twelve Apostle were alsp sent to fulfill the same duties as Paul.

All Spiritual Blessings

After reminding the saints of the blessings of grace and peace, that God and Jesus Christ had conferred upon them, and all his children, he says: "Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: (Eph.1:3). All, means all, nothing lacking. Paul goes on to say, that these blessings were conferred upon the church members, "According as he had chosen us in him before the foundation of the world...then he gives the reason why we were chosen in Christ, before the foundation of the world thus: "that we should be holy and without blame before in love."

Holy and without blame

The question that demands an answer is this, if we were chosen after the foundation of the would, could we still be holy and without blame before him in love?

Then Paul added: "Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ unto himself ."

In this sublime and recondite epistle, I have reached verse five, and in those five verses some of the most recondite, doctrinal mysteries have been revealed.

1. the phrase, by the will of God; what does it mean?

2. God's foreknowledge.

3. the doctrine of predestination.

4.the doctrine of redemption.

5. the doctrine of adoption.

Sadly, not a single one of these doctrines was understood in WCG, not even by Mr. Armstrong, and he had the spirit of God. and was called by God to preach the gospel.

In WCG, the doctrine of adoption was never mentioned. Redemption was referred to, but not understood, and predestination was labelled a Calvinist doctrine. Yet, from his prison cell in Rome, the Chosen Vessel, as he was lovingly called by his Lord and master, Jesus Christ, revealed the doctrine of predestination.

Tragically, the epistles of Paul were sealed documents among those, in WCG, whose minds were poisoned by systematic theology, ambition and greed. Can any of these men write a letter to their respective, deceived, docile congregations, and begin the letter: James Henderson, David Hulme, Dave Pack, Jerry Flurry, Victor Kubic. Dave Havir, a minister of Jesus Christ, by the will of God.

If they dare to do it, it will be an immediate death sentence.


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Democracy has been exalted, especially in the west, as the greatest form of government ever invented. In some countries it has been elevated...