Thursday, 1 January 2009

Happy New Year or Misery?

Well, another pagan New Year has been ushered in by expensive firework displays around the world, the death of revellers, drunkenness, debauchery and a raft of resolutions that will be broken before the end of January.

On the other hand, God sacred New Year, which begins on 26th of March this year, ushers in a period of fasting and pray for God's elect, in preparation for the Passover and days of unleavened bread.

Of course, God's elect don't have to make any New Year's resolutions, for when they were baptised they said: "All that the Lord has said, we will do." And though Satan has sought to undermine the courage and determination given to them by the grace of God, they have continued on the path of sanctity of life and obedience to the doctrines of Christ.

Sadly, I am also well aware that others, who used to attend with God's faithful flock also said: "All that the Lord has said, we will do," but proceeded to do as they please, including betraying God's children for a financial package! But they have some very shocking surprises coming, especially those who were ordained ministers, but were actually hirelings.

January has always been a significant month in WCG, under Mr. Armstrong's ministry. And it would be tedious, and perhaps pointless, to rehearse the many significant events that occurred in the month of January. Suffice to say, that it was on the 7th January 1995, that Tkach senior gave his infamous sermon in Atlanta, announcing that the Ten Commandment had been done away, because they were part of the old covenant. Well, by September that year he was dead!

So don't be surprised if this January ushers in some very momentous events! Whatever January and the coming year bring, God's elect will have nothing to fear, for they have the assurance of God's protection and the hope of eternal life.


Questeruk said...

Tom said:-

“Suffice to say, that it was on the 7th January 1995, that Tkach senior gave his infamous sermon in Atlanta, announcing that the Ten Commandment had been done away, because they were part of the old covenant. Well, by September that year he was dead!”

Hi Tom,

In fact Joe Tkach senior actually gave his Atlanta sermon on the Sabbath of 17th Dec 1994. The following week, 24th Dec, he gave a similar sermon before a large audience at Big Sandy.

I believe it was the Big Sandy sermon that was shown to all the Church. In the USA this ‘Big Sandy’ version was indeed shown to the Churches in general on 7th January 1995.

As I remember, we didn’t get this in the UK until a bit later. I think it was aired to the UK churches all on the same day, but I believe that was sometime in February.

Incidentally Joe Tkach senior died on 23rd September 1995 – which was exactly 40 weeks to the day after he had actually given his Big Sandy sermon, which went on ‘general release’ to the churches. Make what you will of that!

PS How is your ‘brief explanation of the first resurrection’ and your explanation of the significance of the allegory in Galatians chapter four coming along?

Tom Mahon said...

Questeruk said...

>>In fact Joe Tkach senior actually gave his Atlanta sermon on the Sabbath of 17th Dec 1994. The following week, 24th Dec, he gave a similar sermon before a large audience at Big Sandy.<<

Thanks for the clarification. But as you may know, the policy of the hireling ministry, in the UK, was to keep their respective congregations in total ignorance of what was going on at HQ. And anyone who dared to ask any questions, was either lied to by obfuscation or met with a wall of silence.

I asked our local pastor, Peter Shenton, whether he agreed or disagreed with Tkach's doctrinal changes, and he told me that he needed protection from Mike Feazell, so he couldn't comment. I wonder who will protect him from the judgment of God! I also asked the local elder, Ian Martin, where he stood on the changes, and after many vague, guarded comments, he said, and I quote him verbatim: "In this situation, every man for himself." I shudder to think of the consequences of his selfish remarks.

Ye these men were supposedly ordained to lay down their lives for the sheep. But as soon as the wolf pack came over the hill, they ran away and left the sheep, and the wolves caught the sheep and scattered them. They have no idea how God feels about their diabolical treachery!

BTW, I will keep my promise and post a brief explanation of the first resurrection, and the Galatians 4 allegory. But I just wanted to comment on the misery that 2009 will bring to the wicked!

Robert said...

Looks like we both have been silenced by Gavin, both, removed from Apologetics.
There is never any real freedom in this world.

Is Gavin, a secret Roman Catholic, just there to make the Churches of God look bad?

Tom Mahon said...

Robert said...

>>Looks like we both have been silenced by Gavin, both, removed from Apologetics.<<

Someone may have leant on him to remove us, but I don't really care! To placate Dennis, Douglas and a few others, he banned me from posting to his blog. Yet he continues to allow the foul-mouthed Douglas and the blasphemous Dennis to continue posting their inane drivel.

But what do you expect from a man who considers James Tabor to be a credible bible scholar?

Gavin's maxim is, if I don't like the message, I will shoot the messenger.

>>There is never any real freedom in this world.<<

For Christians there is freedom in Christ. But in this world, there will be persecution of those who stand for and defend the truth.

Mimi said...

Now it all makes sense Tom. You are not a born again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ are you Tom?

You are in a CULT! A deceptive one indeed.... Tom I fear for your soul! Repent and believe....!

Tom Mahon said...

Jean said...

>>Now it all makes sense Tom.<<

I think you will find that it doesn't make the sense you are thinking of.

>>You are not a born again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ are you Tom?<<

Oops! This comment presupposes that you would recognise a born again Christian.

>>You are in a CULT! A deceptive one indeed.... Tom I fear for your soul! Repent and believe....!<<

What is the name of the CULT that I am in, because this is news to me?

A Sound Mind

  The Chosen Vessel in his final epistle to Timothy was inspired to write: "For God has not given us a spirit fear, but of power, of lo...