Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Supernatural Blindness.

On the 14 October 2018, the baton of the president of GCI was passed from Joe Tkach junior to Greg Williams.  The ceremony was hailed by a cabal of sycophantic boot-lickers, as significant and meaningful, without saying in what way it was either significant or meaningful.  It was also hailed as the end of one era, and the beginning of another.  But yet again, there was no explanation of the era's achievements, but the hope was expressed of future developments.

The degree of deception that Satan has inflicted on GCI is simply astonishing!  The Sabbath has been abandoned, and replaced by Sunday; the Passover by "holy communion;" the Holy Days by "The autumn festivals;" women and men are now ordained as elders; emphasis is placed on going to doctors instead of relying on God for healing and obedience to the teachings of Jesus have been replaced by the mantra, "we are save by grace," without any understanding of why grace was given to God's elect. 

Of course, Joe junior, as well many former ministers of WCG don't understand that a servant cannot resign from a God appointed office!  There is not a single example, to be found in the pages of God's word, where a prophet, a king or a priest resigned from his office!  Yet, a vast number of WCG's ministers resigned from their office to joined another group, that was able to pay them a salary!  That is astonishing!

To be continued.


Toms brother said...

Satan has made you bitter Tom. It is time to repent before it is too late.

Tom Mahon said...

If I were bitter, I would be beyond repentance. For bitterness and anger are the twin poisons of the mind, from which there is no redemption.


Democracy has been exalted, especially in the west, as the greatest form of government ever invented. In some countries it has been elevated...