Wednesday, 23 January 2019

More Evil Than Judas.

Judas spent three and a half years in the company of Jesus, but in that time he didn't learn anything of value from the greatest teacher there has ever been.  So at the end of the three and a half years, the devil put it into the heart of Judas to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.  Money, obviously, meant a lot to Judas.  He used to carry the bag (John13:29) with the money that belong to Jesus and the other disciples, but because he was a thief, he used to steal some of that money, thinking, of course, that no one would detect his dishonesty. But it was at the Passover, that his true malevolence was revealed thus: "After the sop, Satan entered into him"(John 13:27).

Of course, Judas treachery was not a spur of the moment action.  It was carefully planned, in collusion with the High Priest, who like WCG's ministry, were supposed to represent God, and the wholesome teachings of the bible. The narrative runs: Then assembled together the chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders of the people unto the palace of the high priest, who was called Caiaphas, and consulted that they might take Jesus by subtlety and kill him"(Matt. 26:3-4).   

After the plot was hatched, we read: "And Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went unto the chief priests, to betray him unto them.  And when they heard it, they were glad, and promised him money"(Mark 14:10-11).  Also, Judas asked: "What will you give me, and I will deliver him unto you?  And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver"(Matt.26:15).

Now if we contrast Judas' behaviour with the behaviour of Les McCullough, the UK's former regional director, and Victor Kubic, assistant ministerial director to Joe junior, the Christian mind is shocked by the similarity between Judas and these two evil men. 
Les McCullough first sent the UK ministry on holiday, and then paid them a redundancy package to betray the faithful members of God's church, as they exited the WCG to join UCG.  He then agreed a £60, 000 severance package for himself, on promise that he won't join UCG.  He banked the cheque, and when it cleared, he went and joined UCG.  He coundn't even keep an evil promise!

Meanwhile, in America, Victor Kubic was plotting to leave WCG, and start UCG.  In 1995, the gang of criminal betrayers met in Cincinnati to start their heresy, which has since poisoned the minds of many, while they continue to fight among themselves for the tithes and offerings of the gullible.

Now when Judas realised what he had done, he brought back the thirty pieces of silver, but it was rejected by the high priest.  But these men never realised the evil they had done, so they keep the money.  That makes them more evil than Judas.

Jesus said of Judas: "It had been good for that man if he had not been born"(Matt. 26:24)  What will be said of all those who kept the money, they were paid to betray God's people?

Peter Shenton lamented that he was only paid £15,000, after 22 years talking nonsense on the Sabbath.

I shudder to think what will happen to these evil men!

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