Wednesday, 23 August 2023

Systematic Theology

 Online, I saw in Tony Goudie profile, that he is an elder in GCI, and he studied systematic theology at Ambassador College. I immediately asked myself, what on earth is systematic theology, and from where did it originate? Of course, all the other students that were at AC with Tony Goudie, must have also studied systematic theology, and there would have to be a faculty that taught it. What were the names of members of the faculty? And where did they studied systematic theology, before being qualified to teach it?

Of course, I perused the Scriptures to see if I could find any mentioned of systematic theology, either in the teachings of Jesus or the Apostles. I was comforted that no reference is found in the bible.

On the contrary, the complete opposite is in the bible. Note the Chosen Vessel's inspired references to his appointment as an Apostle of Jesus Christ thus: "But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man." The phrase, "not after man," means it did not come from men, as systematic theology did. Pompous, arrogant academics, writing heresy, created systematic theology, which, to use the vulgar term, is pure hogwash, and it doesn't smell that good.

The Chosen Vessel added: "For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ"(Gal.1:11-12). Unlike Tony Goudie and his deceived associates, that attended one of the Vanity Projects, called Ambassador College, Paul was educated at the feet of Jesus.

The so-called elders in GCI. are like dogs that have returned to their own vomit. They once vomited up Sunday service, holy communion, women ministries and a hosts of other false doctrines. But today, Tony Goudie, Francis Bergin, James Henderson, David Bedford and the Silcox brothers are lapping at their own vomit.

Today, word has reached me, that the 26 August 2023 will be the last Sabbath services for GCI's two London based congregations, which normally meet in Camberwell Salvation Army Hall, and the Indian YMCA. From Sunday 3 September 2023, the two groups will meet for combined Sunday services in West Hampstead.

The fourth commandment that says, "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy," has been tossed out of the window: and has been replaced with the Catholic and Protestant Sunday. I take it, GCI has also tossed the Passover, the Days of Unleavened bread, of sincerity and truth, Pentecost and all the other holy days out of the window.

These people are not only lapping at their own vomit, they have actually eaten it. For years, the hireling ministry preached the importance of the Sabbath and the Holy Days. Now they believe they were mistaken.  They have fallen into the devil's category, that says: "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways."

It is pointless to be outraged at the satanic madness going on in GCI. But I am here to say, that Joe Junior and all his insane supporters shall die suddenly, and be cast into outer darkness. They will wish that they had never been born.

To be continued.


Anonymous said...

Hi Tom.

Hope you and the family are keeping well spiritually and physically.

We are having a live service at 3 pm this Sabbath on YouTube for the Holy Day.

If you aren’t going anywhere for services, you could listen in and feel part of the day. Jamie will be speaking. No one else speaks. It is not a free for all.

All the best.


Anonymous said...


Tom Mahon said...


That erudite, monosyllabic comment, aptly describes a mentally sick person, who hides within the refuge of ignorance to hurl abuse at those who speak the truth.

The mental sick hide their names. They are brave and courageous in a retreat of darkness.


Democracy has been exalted, especially in the west, as the greatest form of government ever invented. In some countries it has been elevated...