Saturday, 23 September 2023

The Thornes of Greed.

The parable of the sower consists of four categories. The seed that fell by the way side, the seed that fell in stoney ground, the seed that fell among thrones and the seed that fell in good ground.

Later, Jesus explained the meaning of the parable thus: "Hear you therefore the parable of the sower"(Matt.13:18). To save space I will summarised what Jesus taught. The seed that fell by the way side are instantly uprooted by the devil. The seed that fell in stoney ground, spring up quickly, but they have no deep roots to sustain them. The seed that fell among thrones, eventually grow up, but are prevented from producing fruit because of the thrones. The seed that fell in good ground, produce good fruit, in various quantities.

A careful analysis of this parable will help us to identify the people, who received the seed of the gospel among thrones. We know that the first category never attend services. The second attend services for a while, but when their faith is tested, they leave the church. The third category is a dangerous, lethal cabal, motivated by the thrones of ambition, power, covetousness and greed. These are the men, who by stealth, become ministers. I shall name all of them, dead or alive, who fit into this satanic category.

Perhaps a link to Mr Armstrong's web site will revealed all the hirelings ministers' names that were published in 1982.

To be continued

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